What Makes a Good Friend?

7 Thoughts +16 Quotes About Friendship

What Makes a Good Friend?

Are you a good friend? Do you have any good or even great friends? Friendship depends a lot on the friend that you are to your friends. Recently I’ve realized that while I am so focused on writing books, I have not been the best of friends like I should be. So what are good friends all about? Do we need them?

“Friends, like all good things in this life, can be had by any one who wants them.

There is only one simple rule to follow; it is this: to have a friend, be one yourself.” – Unknown

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My Dream for Children

My Dream for Children

My dream for children comes from being a grandma whose children had a much safer life than my grandchildren face today. It is a way for me to promote awareness of what children today can be subject to in their lifetimes. Also, it is my opinion that the desire of God would be that our world should place a higher regard on children, from the time they are conceived. For the safety of your children or grandchildren, please read the entire post. Additionally, note that anytime I am referring to a child or children I am referring to both boys and girls.

My dream for children is love, protection, and being taught values and truth. Children should receive a responsible education and learn about life and sex from their parents. In addition, they should never be treated differently because of their skin color. My dream for children is that they are cherished. As grandparents or parents, you are the protectors of those precious children. Unfortunately in today’s world, the task of raising a child is more important than ever. Here are my dreams for children and I hope they are yours, too.

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Who is in Control – God or You?

I had my future figured out. I would retire from my job, once we had paid off my husband’s truck and the line of credit. In the meantime, I would get my blog all figured out and maybe this winter complete a few quilts. Once I retired we would visit our grandchildren more often. It seemed like I had everything figured out. The only problem was, it wasn’t my plan that controlled the future I had forgotten that God was in control.

Maintaining control

Maybe you make New Year’s Resolutions. Do you accomplish them, or by March are they a forgotten memory? I will write down goals throughout the year, but usually, they are in my head, filed away with numerous other bits of information. Sometimes, I reach the goals, but other times I change my mind, possibly dreaming up a better plan.

Can you make a list of five goals or plans that you have for the next year or two? Is retirement in your near future? Do you have a money savings goal you must reach? Are there a few more bills that you want to have paid off before you start working fewer hours, or maybe retire? Do you plan to move to a smaller home?

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