Celebrating Thanksgiving after Tragedy

A feast of Thanksgiving food

Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks for your blessings and we don’t think about it as a time of tragedy. But this year there will be many people that will be in the midst of or just getting beyond a tragedy. And they will have to decide if they will be celebrating Thanksgiving after tragedy.

So many things could happen to stop or delay your Thanksgiving celebration. A death in the family can cause you to cancel it for the year or postphone it a few days or weeks. Or maybe you will be having a small meal at your home. And other family members will do the same or gather with other friends and family.

If someone in the family is hospitalized or just released from the hospital it may cause you to change the plans.

A very unexpected tragedy could be the loss of the home where you gather due to flooding, a fire, or a hurricane.

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Retirement Plan Gone Awry

When a retirement plan goes wrong goes awry

Before I retired I was planning for my retirement. It seemed like the thing to do. It seemed the smartest thing to do.

I told my daughter on a Saturday that I planned to work another year or two and then retire from my part-time job. So that meant I would have worked for my current employer for about two years. For the most part, I really enjoyed my job. It was flexible, and the work was work I’d been doing for over 20 years, so it was not difficult or stressful. My retirement plan seemed like a good plan for both my husband and me.

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Who is in Control – God or You?

I had my future figured out. I would retire from my job, once we had paid off my husband’s truck and the line of credit. In the meantime, I would get my blog all figured out and maybe this winter complete a few quilts. Once I retired we would visit our grandchildren more often. It seemed like I had everything figured out. The only problem was, it wasn’t my plan that controlled the future I had forgotten that God was in control.

Maintaining control

Maybe you make New Year’s Resolutions. Do you accomplish them, or by March are they a forgotten memory? I will write down goals throughout the year, but usually, they are in my head, filed away with numerous other bits of information. Sometimes, I reach the goals, but other times I change my mind, possibly dreaming up a better plan.

Can you make a list of five goals or plans that you have for the next year or two? Is retirement in your near future? Do you have a money savings goal you must reach? Are there a few more bills that you want to have paid off before you start working fewer hours, or maybe retire? Do you plan to move to a smaller home?

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