Accepting That God Loves Me, Even When I Don’t Love Myself

Accepting that God Loves Me, Even When I Don't Love Myself

For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Galatians 5:14 NIV

That’s a powerful verse, and it’s found a few more times throughout the Bible, too. And I’m betting you have no problem loving others. Sure, sometimes family can be a pain, or our kids can make us crazy, but we still love them when it comes down to it. It’s ‘easy’ to love others.

But how well do you do with loving yourself?  

“That was a dumb thing to say.”
“How could I have been so stupid to do that?”
“I’m so fat.”
“My nose is too big.”
“I’m so ugly.”
“I’m not smart enough.”

Those words, or similar ones, are often spoken repeatedly inside our heads. They aren’t words we would ever think of saying to those around us – friends or family – but we can speak them to ourselves without hesitation. Why is that?

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My Dream for Children

My Dream for Children

My dream for children comes from being a grandma whose children had a much safer life than my grandchildren face today. It is a way for me to promote awareness of what children today can be subject to in their lifetimes. Also, it is my opinion that the desire of God would be that our world should place a higher regard on children, from the time they are conceived. For the safety of your children or grandchildren, please read the entire post. Additionally, note that anytime I am referring to a child or children I am referring to both boys and girls.

My dream for children is love, protection, and being taught values and truth. Children should receive a responsible education and learn about life and sex from their parents. In addition, they should never be treated differently because of their skin color. My dream for children is that they are cherished. As grandparents or parents, you are the protectors of those precious children. Unfortunately in today’s world, the task of raising a child is more important than ever. Here are my dreams for children and I hope they are yours, too.

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