Super Savings at Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree is a great place to save money.

Super Savings at Dollar Tree

When a Dollar Tree was coming to my small city, Facebook lit up. The comments were mainly made by people that didn’t want it coming to their city. They wanted something more exciting, like a new restaurant or another gym.

And then the teachers saw the post. They were excited that after school, they didn’t have to drive 15 -20 minutes away to buy supplies for their classroom. In the end, Dollar Tree was already in process, planning to open soon. No amount of positive or negative reaction on Facebook, at that point, would change their plans. And I think now that they have been in town several years, people have recognized their value.


My Favorite Childhood Memory

3 girls next to car My Favorite Childhood memory
My sisters and I

I hope that you have many favorite childhood memories that bring joy to your life. I’m sincere about this because everyone deserves to have a happy, safe childhood. But, unfortunately, not everyone has a favorite childhood memory. Instead, they have horrific memories that to them were normal life.

I know a girl that grew up with her mother and two sisters. Their father was out of the picture. The sisters had very few memories of seeing him. However, they have many memories of their mom, including when the child support eligibility ran out and their mom kicked them out of the house. Their worth to their mother disappeared with the child support.

Their mom allowed them to use drugs as long as they did it in their house so that they wouldn’t get caught. Then, when their mom worked at night and didn’t have a sitter, she would take the girls along to the bar and leave them in the car, with $5 to go to the liquor store and buy candy. I hope that isn’t anything remotely like your childhood. I hope you have many favorite childhood memories like I do.

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