
2022 Goals June Update

2022 Goals Update

Here is my 2022 Goals June update:

Goal: Lose five more pounds.

I am maintaining my weight but currently not losing. I need to get more serious about losing weight. No progress in June.

Goal: Ancestry: Contact at least two cousins. I have reached out to 2 cousins but have not heard from them. I tried someone else. Most of these cousins are a lot younger than me, and I think that may be why they are not responding since I’m old. A great excuse, isn’t it? No progress in June.

Goal: Read 30 books. I have read 23 books. This goal should be easy to reach four books read in June since I only have 7 to go.

Goal: Get through at least my second and third drafts of the book I wrote in 2021 and finish the first draft of my second book. I have joined a group that will help me with this. And I have a writing coach now, so that should help. She and I talked on the 31st of January, and I’m excited I have been going through the third draft and making changes. On June 11, I started a class that will be helpful in writing my first draft of the second book. I have created an outline for that one. I met with my writing coach in June. The goal for book number one is 55,000 words, and then we will discuss the next step. I plan to be working on my 3rd draft until I hit that word count. I have 7,250 words to go.

Goal: Visit three states that I have not visited before. We are going to New Mexico, Wyoming, and North Dakota this year. We traveled to New Mexico trip in April. I need to plan the other trip to Wyoming and North Dakota. No progress in June.

Goal: Complete 2 quilts. I plan to finish a quilt for my son-in-law and one for my daughter-in-law. I already had the pattern for my son-in-law. I have purchased all the fabric, but I have barely cut out any fabric. No progress in June.

Goal: Walk 1000 miles. I have attempted this for 4 years and never reached it. I need to be really serious about this

year. The fifth attempt must work. So far this year, I have walked only 290 miles. If I did this evenly each month, I’m about 210 miles behind, which is an increase, not the decrease I had hoped for. I’m getting further behind each month, which isn’t good.

June was good for my reading and writing goals, and that is all. I’m miserably behind, and I blame it on writing. I love to write. I had hoped June would be better for my quilts. July needs to be intensely working on my quilts if I’m going to have them ready for Christmas. However, I had hoped for that last month. How are you doing on your goals? Let me know below. Keep working toward your goals. We can do this.

23 Fun Activities for Grandchildren When They Spend a Few Days with You

23 Fun Activities for Grandchildren

Grandchildren can be the greatest joy you have in your senior years. So please make the most of their visits, whether for a full day or several nights. Here are 23 fun activities for grandchildren when they spend a few days with you. Please take the opportunity to get to know them better and to teach them about something new. And have fun at the same time.

Yes, they can color coloring books, play in the backyard, go swimming in their pool, and play with the neighbor kids next door, but why do the same old thing. Instead, try something different and see how much fun trying something new might be for them.

If you have never had them overnight, I would try one night the first time. Grandchildren can wear you out.

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Cruising in Modesto, California

So many places to see and things to do in Modesto, California

Cruising in Modesto California

Modesto is off the 99 freeway in Central California. However, most people driving by likely don’t think much about it. Unless maybe you are familiar with the presence of the Gallo Family businesses, including the Gallo Winery. If you haven’t heard about what is unique in Modesto, I will give you a list of unique things to see and do here.

American Graffiti Mural

However, before we get to those details, I’ll let you know that Modesto is known to most residents as the place where Director George Lucas was raised. He wanted to be a race car driver one day, but after a near-fatal crash in his Fiat, he changed his plan. His inspiration for the movie American Graffiti, his first big film, was from his youth in Modesto, when he spent time cruising McHenry with his friends. The movie is set in Modesto, but none of it was filmed there. Modesto had vintage and customized cars driving up and back McHenry Avenue on Saturday nights until 1993 when cruising was banned.

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My Favorite Quote of all Time

Pad with My favorite quote of all time

Deciding on my favorite quote of all time is not so simple. First, I have a lot of quotes that I really like. I have posted many of them on my blog. How could I possibly narrow it down to just one quote?

I love to quote Martin Luther King, Jr. He is still so sensible, especially in today’s world.

How about Helen Keller? She is so smart and a great disability rights activist.

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