Retirement Plan Gone Awry

When a retirement plan goes wrong goes awry

Before I retired I was planning for my retirement. It seemed like the thing to do. It seemed the smartest thing to do.

I told my daughter on a Saturday that I planned to work another year or two and then retire from my part-time job. So that meant I would have worked for my current employer for about two years. For the most part, I really enjoyed my job. It was flexible, and the work was work I’d been doing for over 20 years, so it was not difficult or stressful. My retirement plan seemed like a good plan for both my husband and me.

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21 Suggestions to Help you Set Goals for 2021


Goals are things that are achievable. They aren’t wishes or dreams that you know are not attainable. An example of a goal is to pay off a certain amount of debt, to hand-make all your greeting cards for the year, to lose 10 pounds, or to learn how to knit. Some things that would be unattainable for me would be to lose 50 pounds, win $1,000,000 in the lottery (I don’t play,) or become President of the United States.

Goals should be given some thought. Don’t write five things down and think you are done. There is a lot more to it than that. Especially if you plan to succeed.

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