Inheriting Money After Retirement

Inheriting Money After Retirement

Suddenly, you find out, after your grandmother died at age 102, she left $300,000 to you, her only grandchild. You did not know that was coming. Let’s assume you have already figured out your retirement plans and you’ve retired, knowing that you had sufficient money to live comfortably for 30 years if needed. Plus, you have allowed for extra traveling.

Instantaneously, your life has changed. You can buy a bigger house, a fancy car, or that huge motor home you had wanted but decided it’s too expensive for your budget. What shall you do? The first thing you need to do is calm down and look at all your options.

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21 Suggestions to Help you Set Goals for 2021


Goals are things that are achievable. They aren’t wishes or dreams that you know are not attainable. An example of a goal is to pay off a certain amount of debt, to hand-make all your greeting cards for the year, to lose 10 pounds, or to learn how to knit. Some things that would be unattainable for me would be to lose 50 pounds, win $1,000,000 in the lottery (I don’t play,) or become President of the United States.

Goals should be given some thought. Don’t write five things down and think you are done. There is a lot more to it than that. Especially if you plan to succeed.

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