Who is in Control – God or You?

I had my future figured out. I would retire from my job, once we had paid off my husband’s truck and the line of credit. In the meantime, I would get my blog all figured out and maybe this winter complete a few quilts. Once I retired we would visit our grandchildren more often. It seemed like I had everything figured out. The only problem was, it wasn’t my plan that controlled the future I had forgotten that God was in control.

Maintaining control

Maybe you make New Year’s Resolutions. Do you accomplish them, or by March are they a forgotten memory? I will write down goals throughout the year, but usually, they are in my head, filed away with numerous other bits of information. Sometimes, I reach the goals, but other times I change my mind, possibly dreaming up a better plan.

Can you make a list of five goals or plans that you have for the next year or two? Is retirement in your near future? Do you have a money savings goal you must reach? Are there a few more bills that you want to have paid off before you start working fewer hours, or maybe retire? Do you plan to move to a smaller home?

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