A Winter of Severe Illness and Death for the Unvaccinated

Covid-19 Vaccine

President Biden has tried so many things to scare us into getting vaccinated. He actually said there was no excuse to not be vaccinated. As if he knows every person’s health history, religious beliefs, and reasoning not to get vaccinated. You don’t need an excuse to be unvaccinated. You need a reason. My reason is that I’m healthy, and not concerned about Covid-19. No one is going to force me to get a vaccine, which I don’t feel I need. Once mandates hit, I was more convinced that I had made the correct choice.

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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother's Day
My mother in 2020 reading to
our oldest granddaughter.

Saying Happy Mother’s Day and I love you to my mom has always been a part of every year of my life. For over thirty years I have been on the other end, receiving those greeting from my own children. Even my grandchildren will wish me a Happy Mother’s Day on occassion.

As Mother’s Day is fast approaching, I would love to call my mom and tell her how cute her 22nd great-grandchild, my 5th grandchild, is becoming. I would tell her how well our garden is doing and ask her how hers is doing. Or can she come by and see the new cabinets we had installed last week. There is so much I want to tell her. Regardless of what day it is, even though it’s not Mother’s Day yet.

And I would be calling and texting her and including her in our future plans with our children and grandchildren.

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