A Winter of Severe Illness and Death for the Unvaccinated

Covid-19 Vaccine

President Biden has tried so many things to scare us into getting vaccinated. He actually said there was no excuse to not be vaccinated. As if he knows every person’s health history, religious beliefs, and reasoning not to get vaccinated. You don’t need an excuse to be unvaccinated. You need a reason. My reason is that I’m healthy, and not concerned about Covid-19. No one is going to force me to get a vaccine, which I don’t feel I need. Once mandates hit, I was more convinced that I had made the correct choice.

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No Covid-19 Vaccine for Me

No Covid-19 vaccine for me

When the Covid-19 vaccines first came out, I didn’t qualify since I wasn’t a first responder. And I wasn’t old enough. Now, as the age limit has continued to go lower, I still am left behind the happy groups of people that are so proud to go on television and get their vaccination. There is currently a push to reach the people that refuse to have or are not yet ready to have a vaccine. There are even gifts available in some areas, to those who have waited this long to get their vaccine.

Not everything free is worth it.

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6 Joys of Face Masks – looking for something positive in our current situation

face masks

I will admit that the last thing I ever wanted to wear on my face was a mask. Unless I was skiing in frigid weather, and I’m not a skier. Especially, when this, the dreaded mask-wearing, has been going on for over a year with no end in sight, at least in the state of California, where I live. So, as a way to try to appreciate the positives of mask-wearing, I have come up with a list of six joys of face masks, that might help you appreciate them, too. Or, maybe not.

I do want to emphasize that I do wear my mask in public when required. And I am in no way trying to downplay the Covid-19 virus. I realize it is serious and I’m quickly approaching the high-risk age group. However, I still would rather not wear a mask. But I have tried looking for something positive in our current situation.

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My Covid-19 Test Experience

My Covid-19 test experience

My sister had pre-warned me, I would not be able to handle the test. I decided, even though she had recently had the test for an upcoming surgery, I would show her otherwise. I felt I was pretty tough, most of the time. Surgery for my bone attached hearing aide (BAHA) would be coming soon and I knew I would have to be tested prior.

Test day

Sure enough on Saturday, July 18, I was scheduled for my test. With our hot weather, in the 100’s by 3:00, I wasn’t looking forward to sitting in my car, going through the line. I arrived at 9:55 for my 10:00 appointment. The line was long and we were looping around the parking lot. I wondered how many of us had 10:00 appointments. And I wondered if maybe some of them didn’t have appointments and they were hoping to be let through. There were people that did get turned away. I guess you do need an appointment as they had told me. If you didn’t have an appointment they would not have your test materials together with your name and identification on it.

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Coronavirus – Lessons to Learn

lessons to learn Coronavirus Pandemic

In 2020, our lives have changed in ways we could never have imagined. There are many lessons we can learn from this time. Most of us are adapting well. Others are having a hard time. And unfortunately, some are choosing to live their life as if this doesn’t concern them, putting themselves and others in danger.

Stay Calm.

There is enough food and water. Unfortunately, some have chosen to hoard supplies, making those that really need them, unable to find them. Things like rice, ramen noodles, eggs, flour, milk, paper towels, diapers, formula, water and toilet paper are difficult to find. If people had stayed calm and only purchased what they truly needed this would not have happened.

Last week I waited 40 minutes to get in my grocery store because they were limiting the number of people that could enter. That should not be a big deal. It’s for our safety. It was an opportunity to have some great conversation with those in line with me, who were a shopping cart away (social distancing.)

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