Labor Day

Woman mechanic Labor Day

Does anyone know why we celebrate Labor Day? In the United States, we will observe Labor Day on Monday, September 6, 2021. Many people will have the day off from work, as a paid holiday. There may be parades, picnics, bar-b-ques, and even parties. Many people look at Labor Day as the end of summer. It may be the last camping trip of the summer. Some people will decorate their homes with red, white, and blue, the colors of our flag. Most stores will have Labor Day weekend sales going on for three or four days.

So back to the question, does anyone know why we celebrate Labor Day? Let’s look beyond the way we celebrate it today and take a peek at how it began.

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It’s Time to Enjoy Your Senior Discounts

Senior Discounts

The first time I realized I was a senior, was on a trip to see our son in Southern California. It wasn’t the hundreds of miles of sitting in the car. Nor the fact that I had to stop to use the restroom, too often. It was a stop we made at Taco Bell. We ordered our usual, but since we were on a long trip we opted for small drinks.

I am all about following the rules and paying my dues – and in this case my full bill. I kept thinking they hadn’t charged me enough for the meal. Upon review, I realized they forgot to charge us for our drinks.

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