2020 Goals December Update

December closes out 2020. But despite it all, I did make a little progress.

  1. COMPLETED: We did it! We made it back from our trip on October 6. So I can now mark off Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri off my map. Visit 3 states I haven’t been to before. I desire to visit every state in the United States in my lifetime.
  2. COMPLETED: I have completed 43 books toward the 30 I plan to read this year. I finally finished the long one I was reading, but that is it. This goal will have to increase next year, or I will have to read longer books. Read 30 books.
  3. COMPLETED: I am continuing physical therapy. However, my physical therapist gave me permission to attempt driving. So on February 19 my husband road along as I drove. We went on the freeway very briefly, mainly driving in town. Since then I have driven several times by myself. This was probably my most important goal since it has given me the freedom that has brightened up my days. Drive by myself.
  4. COMPLETED: I had my BAHA (bone attached hearing aid) surgery on July 22. On August 20 I received the outside portion of my implant. It was with great joy that I realized I could hear my husband speaking to me on the way home from that appointment. I’m still getting used to this, but as time goes on I think I will adapt to it a bit better. I didn’t regain any hearing in my ear, but I have the ability to feel like I am hearing in my left ear.  All options have been pursued.  To have the hearing in my left ear improved to 30% or all options pursued. Another result of my brain tumor surgery.
  5. FAILED: We got it quite close, but not complete. I could blame this on my mom dying and me losing a lot of my free time, but I had a whole year and I have to accept that we didn’t complete it. We put the grass in the front yard. Sprinklers are in. Some of the plants are in. Have our front and back yard landscaping completed so we can enjoy them.
  6. COMPLETED: Unfortunately, this has been completed. Since my mom died, I ended up with her car, a newer version of mine. My husband organized things so that I can park it in the garage. Clean up/organize our garage so I can park in the garage.
  7. FAILED: The weight roller coaster continues. Honestly, if it were a roller coaster it would be bigger changes. Sadly I have been eating too much. Stress never helps. I am now up 3.5 pounds for the year. Honestly, I was not determined enough to succeed. Lose 10 lbs.
  8. COMPLETED: It feels great to no longer have any house or car payments. Pay off all debt. This was on my list for last year and I came close, but not quite.
  9. COMPLETED/SORT OF: I have finished one baby quilt completely. I have two others at the quilters to have them quilted. I will receive them back in late January. At that time I will need to trim them and add the binding. So honestly, they are not complete. However, I did make two baby blankets that were super simple to make. So overall I think I’ve done enough work, but I should have started this earlier. Begin and finish three baby quilts.
  10. FAILED: I was not very committed to this. In emptying out my mom’s house I found a Bible that my mother’s parents and siblings gave to my great grandmother and a bound book of the family ancestor on mom’s mom’s side. She had told me she had it, but she was unable to find it. I am now in contact with another cousin. We are trying to figure out her upline of relatives. She is adopted and knows her birth father’s name and thanks to 23andMe her great great grandfather, who was my great-grandfather’s brother. I love trying to solve a mystery. This can be so exciting. I have been in contact with a second cousin. This is one of my last things on my mind, hence it is not going quickly. I have started typing up my history on one side. Ancestry: Tie at least 10 more people that are my second or third cousins to my family tree.

December was somewhat productive, but I am ending up with 3 fails. I don’t think I was really committed to the goals that I failed this year. If you have goals set, don’t give up on yourself either. We have the time to do it if we put in the effort. Commitment is so important when you are trying to accomplish anything.

So let me know how 2020 went as far as accomplishing your goals. Have you set up goals for 2021? You can do it! Please comment below on how your 2020 went.

2020 Goals February Update

2020 goals Update February
  1. PROGRESS: I have visited AAA, of which I am a member, to pick up maps to assist me in making my plans. At this time the states I hope to be visiting are Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. I still have more work to go. Visit 3 states I haven’t been to before. I desire to visit every state in the United States in my lifetime.
  2. PROGRESS: I have completed 10 books toward the 30 I plan to read this year.
  3. COMPLETED: I am continuing physical therapy. However, my physical therapist had given me permission to attempt driving. So on February 19 my husband road along as I drove. We went on the freeway very briefly, mainly driving in town. Since then I have driven several times by myself This was probably my most important goal since it has given me freedom that has really brightened up my days. Drive by myself.
  4. To have the hearing in my left ear improved to 30% or all options pursued. Another result of my brain tumor surgery.
  5. Have our front and back yard landscaping completed so we can enjoy them.
  6. PROGRESS: My husband has made a little progress on this. Clean up/organize our garage so I can park in the garage.
  7. I hate to admit that I’m not making progress on this one. Lose 10 lbs.
  8. COMPLETED: Pay off all debt. This was on my list for last year and I came close, but not quite.
  9. Begin and finish three baby quilts.
  10. Ancestry: Tie at least 10 more people that are my second or third cousins to my family tree.