5 Reasons You Should Give to Charities

Give to Charity

If you have never donated to charity, you have been missing out. There are so many positive reasons to donate. You can donate money, food, used clothing, furniture, books, vehicles, stocks, and mutual funds. You can donate your time to help organize, hold a fundraiser, or work in a Thrift Store that raises money for charities. Plus so much more. There are so many benefits to giving to charities.

Maybe you have never donated because you felt like you can’t afford it. That is between you and God. I cannot force you to donate, but I believe that if you do, you will be blessed, even if, in your opinion, it is only something small. Giving of your time is also a donation. This can be once a week or once a year. I have seen people that are retired turning to one of their local charities to volunteer part-time.

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