Tag: grandchildren
Grandchildren: My Favorite Hello
If I Had Known
A Grandchild Fills a Space
Strengthening the Bond Between Grandparents and Grandchildren

“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.”
– Author Unknown
The bond between grandparents and grandchildren is a special relationship that can enrich both lives with cherished memories and lessons. However, this relationship can be challenging to maintain and strengthen over time. In this post, I will provide practical tips and advice on how to keep the bond strong and meaningful for both generations. From being present and engaged to encouraging mutual respect and understanding, readers can expect to learn six proven ways to enhance this precious connection. Join me as we explore the secrets of a heartwarming and lifelong relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.
Continue reading “Strengthening the Bond Between Grandparents and Grandchildren”23 Fun Activities for Grandchildren When They Spend a Few Days with You

Grandchildren can be the greatest joy you have in your senior years. So please make the most of their visits, whether for a full day or several nights. Here are 23 fun activities for grandchildren when they spend a few days with you. Please take the opportunity to get to know them better and to teach them about something new. And have fun at the same time.
Yes, they can color coloring books, play in the backyard, go swimming in their pool, and play with the neighbor kids next door, but why do the same old thing. Instead, try something different and see how much fun trying something new might be for them.
If you have never had them overnight, I would try one night the first time. Grandchildren can wear you out.
Continue reading “23 Fun Activities for Grandchildren When They Spend a Few Days with You”
Writing A Goodbye Letter to Your Grandchildren

Have you thought about writing a goodbye letter to your grandchildren? As I age, I become more aware of the possibility that I will die before my grandchildren marry and have children of their own. And as I age, I hope I live long enough to see my grandchildren marry and have children who would be my great-grandchildren. But just in case I die sooner than these things happen, I want them to know a few things. Some things about my past, our shared values, and things that I hope for them.
Continue reading “Writing A Goodbye Letter to Your Grandchildren”7 Great Things About Being 60+

My daughter recently turned 40. When I was forty I felt young. Life was busy, mainly because of my children’s activities, since they were 12 and 15. I made a point of attending every sporting event they were involved in, if possible. My daughter at 40 is living a different life with three children ages 3 through 8. In addition, she is living it through homeschooling, Covid-19 lockdowns, and masks. However, I am in my 60’s and life is so different. I am including a list of 7 great things about being 60+.
By the time I turned 50 my children were out of our house. We became empty-nesters, something I have learned to love. At that time I was convinced that living into my 70’s would be sufficient for me. I would have enjoyed a long and happy life.
Continue reading “7 Great Things About Being 60+”9 of My Favorite Things

Remember Mary Poppins singing These are a Few of “My Favorite Things.” Her favorite things included things like raindrops on roses, bright copper kettles, snowflakes on noses, sleigh bells, and warm woolen mittens. Most of these things are sensory. They make a person happy and bring a smile to your face. They are nice things, but a little different from my list of favorite things.
We could make so many lists of things. How about things we cannot live without? My list of the actual things I can’t live without would include clean water, air to breathe, food, clothing, a safe place to live, etc. But those items are pretty much the same for everyone. That is except for people that are living in poverty and do not have access to shoes or clean water or enough food to eat. In a comparison of my life to someone living in poverty, pretty much everything I say I can’t live without is not even on their list of minimum things they would like to have. I am very aware of this and in no way is this meant to make light of them or their situation.
Unlike Mary Poppin’s list of favorite things, my list may not matter to you, but they do to me. Actually, if I had to live without most of these items, I could. But, to maintain happiness, I would have a hard time living without them. I admit they aren’t in order of importance. The ninth item is actually the most important to me. And I will admit it would be extremely hard to live without that one.
Continue reading “9 of My Favorite Things”