Riding My Bike Again at 65

Riding my Bike Again at 65

My father taught me how to ride a bike in the JC Penneys parking lot across the street from our home on a Sunday afternoon. JC Penneys was closed on Sundays back then. There was plenty of open space for me to learn in. Later in life, he taught me how to drive a car in a high school parking lot when the school was closed. I always thought that once I learned how to do these things, I would never forget how. I didn’t forget how to do both of them, but riding my bike again at 65 would be a challenge.

Eventually, following surgery to remove a brain tumor, I had to drive my car again and see if I could do it successfully. That was easy, even though I waited months to do it. Riding my bike again at 65, following two surgeries, was more difficult.

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2020 Goals February Update

2020 goals Update February
  1. PROGRESS: I have visited AAA, of which I am a member, to pick up maps to assist me in making my plans. At this time the states I hope to be visiting are Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. I still have more work to go. Visit 3 states I haven’t been to before. I desire to visit every state in the United States in my lifetime.
  2. PROGRESS: I have completed 10 books toward the 30 I plan to read this year.
  3. COMPLETED: I am continuing physical therapy. However, my physical therapist had given me permission to attempt driving. So on February 19 my husband road along as I drove. We went on the freeway very briefly, mainly driving in town. Since then I have driven several times by myself This was probably my most important goal since it has given me freedom that has really brightened up my days. Drive by myself.
  4. To have the hearing in my left ear improved to 30% or all options pursued. Another result of my brain tumor surgery.
  5. Have our front and back yard landscaping completed so we can enjoy them.
  6. PROGRESS: My husband has made a little progress on this. Clean up/organize our garage so I can park in the garage.
  7. I hate to admit that I’m not making progress on this one. Lose 10 lbs.
  8. COMPLETED: Pay off all debt. This was on my list for last year and I came close, but not quite.
  9. Begin and finish three baby quilts.
  10. Ancestry: Tie at least 10 more people that are my second or third cousins to my family tree.