Category: This and That
9 Bible Verses Giving Thanks to God this Thanksgiving
Last week I listed six verses about Praise. This week we have nine verses giving thanks to God in honor of this Thanksgiving. Hopefully, many of these are familiar to you. So challenge yourself to memorize them in the last few days of November. Or, if you are not up to memorizing, read them through, post them to your Pinterest boards, or share them on Thursday before eating your meal.
Continue reading “9 Bible Verses Giving Thanks to God this Thanksgiving”Thank you, Veterans – Happy Veterans Day
Your Vote Counts November 2022
Vote Your Christian Values
My Experience with 23 and Me DNA Testing
After seeing Anne Wojcicki on Shark Tank, I decided I liked her, and one day I might even use 23 and Me DNA testing in order to find some of my ancestors. In December of 2019, I went ahead and sent in some of my salivae to be tested. Once that was completed, I sealed it up in a postage-paid envelope. I think Target had a sale on them as a potential Christmas gift, and I bought it for slightly less than the $99 price. (Maybe $69?) If you are interested, I would be watching for a sale on 23 and Me soon, or if you can’t wait until then, order the kit online at I can’t guarantee they will ever go on sale again.
If you can afford it, I think it would be a great Christmas gift for your parents and/or siblings.
Continue reading “My Experience with 23 and Me DNA Testing”Labor Day Quote – Theodore Roosevelt
Everything Hitler did in Germany was Legal
“Rules, Rules, Rules, Why do There Have to be so Many Rules?”
“Rules, rules, rules, why do there have to be so many rules?” The homeless woman in Maui voiced her frustration while my family was on vacation a few years ago. The rule in quwall sign saying wall that said no smoking within twenty feet. We were on an outdoor patio of a fast-food restaurant. I had just asked her friend to smoke his cigarette elsewhere. He said he would. He understood, but she clearly looked at it differently.
Rules can be an inconvenience
She wanted to do as she pleased. Having to stand in the parking lot to smoke her cigarette was an inconvenience to her. But, on the other hand, I am happy that there are rules to make my life more enjoyable, not to make me suffer because she disagrees and decides to smoke one table over from my family.
Continue reading ““Rules, Rules, Rules, Why do There Have to be so Many Rules?””