20 Things to do Instead of Checking Your Television & Social Media

Revised 9/15/2021

Man looking at his cell phone. 20 things to do instead of checking your television and social media

You have some time before you need to go to the grocery store, before you pick up a friend to go shopping, or you make tonight’s dinner. What do you do? For many people, the simple answer is to watch some T.V. or catch up on your social media. What about using that time more wisely? Here are a few suggestions to get you out of your rut and actually accomplish something. At the end of the day, you will feel more accomplished, instead of wondering what you did all day.

  1. Pay a bill or two. Most of mine are online, but there still are a few which I write an actual check. If you don’t have any bills to pay, get a birthday card ready to mail off to your sister.
  2. Empty the dishwasher.
  3. Start a load of laundry.
  4. Start a project you keep putting off. Once you have started the project, it’s more likely that you will continue with it.
  5. Plan your dinners for the week. I use a calendar that I picked up at my bank or hardware store for free or at Dollar Tree for $1. I write my dinner on each day. Friday night is leftovers. Saturday night is often bar-b-cue, except in the winter, when we might have homemade soup or a casserole instead. Sunday nights for us are “make your own dinner:” leftovers, canned soup, sandwich, eggs, etc.. The other nights I fill in. If I have plenty of time I might fill in a month’s worth of meal. Occasionally, I put dinner out at a pizza parlor or restaurant, since we try to do that a few times a month.
  6. Do you have sales flyers and mailers that you keep together, in case you end up shopping at that store before the end of the sale? Go through them and toss anything that is expired.
  7. Pull some weeds from your yard. Count them as you go. It will surprise you how quickly you can pull 100 weeds.
  8. Dump all the trash cans in the house and then take the trash out to your garbage can.
  9. Re-pot a plant that has overgrown its current pot.
  10. Wash your car.
  11. Clean the interior of your car.
  12. Toss 5 things. Maybe focus on dumping leftovers in your refrigerator. Or dump or donate some clothes in your closet that you haven’t worn in a few years. Look for broken toys, books you will never read again, or paperwork in your office. While you are at it, don’t stop at 5. Keep going.
  13. Go for the walk that you never seem to have time to do.
  14. Clean and cut up some fresh fruit and store it in a clear container in the refrigerator. I intend to eat fruit. Unfortunately, when it comes to a cookie that is already made and a cantaloup that still needs to be cut up, I pick the cookie.
  15. Read a few pages or maybe a chapter in the book you are currently reading.
  16. Step outside and say hello to your neighbor.
  17. Try a new recipe. Maybe it’s that pumpkin bread recipe you saved 6 months ago on Pinterest. Or decide which recipe you will try next and make a list of the ingredients you need to pick up from the grocery store.
  18. Run a few errands. Figure out the route you will take and, if necessary, what time the store opens. If you plan ahead, you can accomplish a lot in a short period of time.
  19. Iron a few items. Or make minor sewing repairs (sew on a button, repair the hem your daughter pulled loose, or darn a sock – do people still do that?)
  20. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Take your time and enjoy the conversation, instead of always being in a hurry.

I hope you found a few ideas that work for you. It’s always nice to accomplish something that you have put off for a while or never even think about doing. Please comment below in the reply section to let me know if this post was helpful. Or suggest something else to add to this list.

20 Things to do Instead of Checking Your Television and Social Media
20 things to do instead of checking your television and social media

2021 Goals August Update

2021 Goals August Update

Here is my list for 2021

  1. No progress: Complete our front yard landscaping. This is an absolute must since it’s carried over from last year. Maybe September when it cools down a bit.
  2. Progress: Lose 5 pounds. I lowered this, but since I ended the year up instead of down, I will lose 5 pounds from my beginning weight of 2020, not 2021. I am currently losing weight. In July, I started the old system I used, and I have made progress!!
  3. Progress: Ancestry: Type up the list I already have started on my mom’s mother’s side. Contact at least 2 cousins. I have made contact with two cousins; however, they have not answered me back.
  4. Progress: Read 45 books. I have finished 32 books. I am on track to make this one.
  5. Completed: Ride my bike. I did it on July 23 – it was a bit wobbly and I will have to practice my turning but I did it. I overcame my fear.
  6. Nearly complete: Visit three states that I have not visited before. On August 31, we were in Kansas, on our way to Nebraska. So in September the states of Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska will be completed.
  7. Progress: Complete 3 quilts. I’m doing much better than last year. I have three baby quilts cut out already. I have started sewing one – it is now about 3/4 done. Adult or baby. Instead of all baby, I might get working on a quilt for my son-in-law and one for my daughter-in-law.
  8. Progress: Walk 1000 miles. I’m not as far as I should be. I have walked 429 miles. I have attempted this for 3 years and never reached it. This year it is in writing, so I hope I will complete it at last. However, I will have to speed things up to come close.

In August, I read 3 books. I am making progress on my weight. I am down a few pounds, and I’ll continue doing that for the rest of the year. My trip to three states will be accomplished on next month’s results.

How are you doing with your goals? August was another busy month, and we spent several days out of town, which means I treated myself to some food items I shouldn’t have. I need to be making more progress. Do you have a secret that helps you accomplish your goals? Would you mind commenting below? Thank you.

My Favorite Childhood Memory

3 girls next to car My Favorite Childhood memory
My sisters and I

I hope that you have many favorite childhood memories that bring joy to your life. I’m sincere about this because everyone deserves to have a happy, safe childhood. But, unfortunately, not everyone has a favorite childhood memory. Instead, they have horrific memories that to them were normal life.

I know a girl that grew up with her mother and two sisters. Their father was out of the picture. The sisters had very few memories of seeing him. However, they have many memories of their mom, including when the child support eligibility ran out and their mom kicked them out of the house. Their worth to their mother disappeared with the child support.

Their mom allowed them to use drugs as long as they did it in their house so that they wouldn’t get caught. Then, when their mom worked at night and didn’t have a sitter, she would take the girls along to the bar and leave them in the car, with $5 to go to the liquor store and buy candy. I hope that isn’t anything remotely like your childhood. I hope you have many favorite childhood memories like I do.

Continue reading “My Favorite Childhood Memory”

Are you in a Retirement Rut? 83 Ways to Break Out

Are you in a retirement rut?  Enjoy the beach

Are you in a retirement rut? Now that you are a retired, empty-nester, are you stuck in a rut doing the same things every week? Mondays are for doctor appointments, Tuesdays are for groceries and other shopping. Wednesday is for taking care of your grandchildren. Thursday is for cleaning the house. Friday is volunteer day. And every day, you start the same way with exercising, showering, getting dressed, and putting on your makeup. All dressed up and nothing to do?

If you are someone who follows the same predictable schedule each week, maybe it’s time to remind yourself that you have looked forward to retiring for years. Instead of being bored out of your mind, maybe you should start having fun. Maybe now is the time for you to break out of that rut.

Continue reading “Are you in a Retirement Rut? 83 Ways to Break Out”

2021 Goals July Update

Banner of Post title

Here is my list for 2021

  1. Status: Complete our front yard landscaping. This is an absolute must since it’s carried over from last year. Maybe September when it cools down a bit.
  2. Status: Lose 5 pounds. I lowered this, but since I ended the year up instead of down, I will lose 5 pounds from my beginning weight of 2020, not 2021. I am currently gaining weight. That’s not good. July I started the old system I used, and I have made progress!!
  3. Progress: Ancestry: Type up the list I already have started on my mom’s mother’s side. Contact at least 2 cousins. I have made contact with two cousins; however, they have not answered me back.
  4. Progress: Read 45 books. I have finished 30 books. I am on track to make this one.
  5. Completed: Ride my bike. I did it on July 23 – it was a bit wobbly and I will have to practice my turning but I did it. I overcame my fear.
  6. Progress: Visit three states that I have not visited before. I have made all the plans, except for possibly finding restaurants. Now we wait for the trip to happen.
  7. Progress: Complete 3 quilts. I’m doing much better than last year. I have three baby quilts cut out already. I have started sewing one – it is now about 3/4 done. Adult or baby. Instead of all baby, I might get working on a quilt for my son-in-law and one for my daughter-in-law.
  8. Progress: Walk 1000 miles. I’m not as far as I should be, yet, I have walked 373 miles. I have attempted this for 3 years and never reached it. This year it is in writing, so I hope I will complete it at last. However, I have to speed things up to come close.

In July, I read 4 books. My big progress for the month was riding my bike. It wasn’t smooth and easy, but I did not fall. I am making progress on my weight. I feel like I am down a few pounds, and I’ll continue doing that for the rest of the year.

How are you doing with your goals? July was another busy month, so I’m hoping that maybe in July, I can make more progress. Hoping, however, is not enough. I need to be making progress. Do you have a secret that helps you accomplish your goals? Would you mind commenting below?

Goals for the Year – Are You Behind?

Boy showing shock

Let’s face it; the year is over halfway done. Your goals aren’t even close to being complete. So is it time to give up and try again next year? No!!

Please don’t give up. I haven’t, and you wouldn’t believe how far behind I am. But, together, we can do this, or at least come out with most of our goals clicked off our lists.

We make goals so that by the end of a period of time (usually a year,) we will have achieved the goals, not failed most of them. It’s sort of like a broken promise to ourselves. And it’s not always easy. Especially if unexpected things get in the way. If something truly stopped you in your tracks and ruined your chances of completing all of your goals, I can understand that. My best excuse ever was my brain tumor two years ago. But I can’t continue to use that excuse every year. Do you have an excuse that you are using this year? Can you still complete some of your goals? What’s stopping you?

Continue reading “Goals for the Year – Are You Behind?”

2021 Goals June Update

June 2021 Goals Update

Here is my list for 2021

  1. Status: Complete our front yard landscaping. This is an absolute must since it’s carried over from last year.
  2. Status: Lose 5 pounds. I lowered this, but since I ended the year up instead of down, I will lose 5 pounds from my beginning weight of 2020, not 2021. I am currently gaining weight. That’s not good. In June, I started losing weight, only to gain it all back. I have to get serious about this.
  3. Progress: Ancestry: Type up the list I already have started on my mom’s mother’s side. Spend time contacting at least 2 cousins. I have made contact with two cousins; however, they have not answered me back.
  4. Progress: Read 45 books. I have finished 26 books. I am on track to make this one.
  5. Status: Ride my bike. This can be a challenge because of my balance issues that seem like they will be permanent.
  6. Progress: Visit three states that I have not visited before. I have made all the plans, except for possibly finding restaurants. Now we wait for the trip to happen.
  7. Progress: Complete 3 quilts. I’m doing much better than last year. I have three baby quilts cut out already. I have started sewing one – it is now about 3/4 done. Adult or baby. Instead of all baby, I might get working on a quilt for my son-in-law and one for my daughter-in-law.
  8. Progress: Walk 1000 miles. I’m not as far as I should be, yet, I have walked 326 miles. I have attempted this for 3 years and never reached it. This year it is in writing, so I hope I will complete it at last. However, I have to speed things up to come close.

In June, I read 2 books. I did get really ambitious about our trip for this fall to three states. All reservations are made. My weight remains an issue, and I know why. It’s hard to believe, but I had an excellent week. One week is not enough. At the end of the month, I have not made progress.

How are you doing with your goals? June was another busy month, so I’m hoping that maybe in July, I can make more progress. Hoping, however, is not enough. I need to be making progress. Do you have a secret that you use to accomplish your goals? Please comment below.

Learn Something New Every Day

Learning is important

The older we get, the less we may remember and the more important it can be to keep our brain active. For this reason, I think all of us over 60 or maybe younger should learn something new every day, or at least once a week.

I don’t actually learn something every day, but I try to learn something new as often as possible. So some months, I may learn 30/31 new things. Other months less and maybe others more. By learning new things, we keep our minds working and, hopefully, our bodies moving.

Continue reading “Learn Something New Every Day”

45 Years of Wedded Bliss

45 Years of Marriage
45 Years

Looking at the picture to the right, you will see us on our wedding day. There we were in my borrowed dress and his rented tux. We look so young. It doesn’t seem possible that we have spent 45 years together. That equals over 2/3 of our lives. But we have, and so much has happened in that period of time.

I borrowed my wedding dress from an aunt who is 2.5 years older than me. There was no money in the budget to include a dress. We married with $2,000 to our names, and that went as a down payment when we purchased a house a few months after getting married. Even though we didn’t have much money, we saved money by eating hot dogs often to help pay for the closing costs on our home purchase. We survived some tough financial times, and now we are in retirement with enough money to last us the rest of our lives, as long as we live like we have all of our married life, frugally.

Continue reading “45 Years of Wedded Bliss”

2021 Goals May Update

May Goals

Here is my list for 2021

  1. Status: Complete our front yard landscaping. This is an absolute must since it’s carried over from last year.
  2. Status: Lose 5 pounds. I lowered this, but since I ended the year up instead of down, I will lose 5 pounds from my beginning weight of 2020, not 2021. I am currently gaining weight. That’s not good.
  3. Progress: Ancestry: Type up the list I already have started on my mom’s mother’s side. Spend time contacting at least 2 cousins. I have made contact with two cousins; however, they have not answered me back.
  4. Progress: I have finished 24 books. I am on track to make this one. Read 45 books.
  5. Status: Ride my bike. This can be a challenge because of my balance issues that seem like they will be permanent.
  6. Progress: Visit three states that I have not visited before. This was a great goal last year, and we did it, despite Covid shutdowns. I have made a lot of progress on this, including deciding on the states and the places we will visit in each state. I have started mapping out the days we will be at each location. Hopefully, I will finish the first week of June, with a plan to travel in September.
  7. Progress: I’m doing much better than last year. I have three baby quilts cut out already. I have started sewing one – it is now about 3/4 done. Complete 3 quilts. Adult or baby. Instead of all baby, I might get working on a quilt for my son-in-law and one for my daughter-in-law.
  8. Progress: I’m not as far as I should be, yet, I have walked 268 miles. Walk 1000 miles. I have attempted this for 3 years and never reached it. This year it is in writing, so I hope I will complete it at last. However, I have to speed things up to come close.

In May, I read five books. I feel like I made progress on my ancestry plan because I contacted two cousins. But since they didn’t respond, I feel like it’s not real progress. I did get really ambitious about our trip for this fall to three states. I have written down every place we will go, and I have it marked on my maps. In the next week or two, I hope to finish plotting it out by days and finding lodging where needed. When there is something special nearby, I will come up with some locations for meals.

My weight remains an issue, and I know why. I don’t do anything to lose weight. Instead, I promise I will eat only 2 cookies, and before I know it, I have eaten 5. The month of May opened my eyes to how heavy I really am, and I hope to see changes in June.

How are you doing with your goals? May was a busy month, so I’m hoping that maybe in June, I can make more progress. Hoping, however, is not enough. I need to be making progress. Do you have a secret that you use to accomplish your goals? Please comment below.