A New Grandchild – Baby Love

Baby Love

There is something about a new grandchild that is so amazing, that we feel like we can never feel that in-love with a child again. At least until the next one is born. It’s baby love.

We recently were able to travel to see our latest grandchild. She is our fifth. Our first two were boys and now it’s been three girls in a row. We had seen pictures of her and had known she was a girl months before her birth. However, holding a child for the first time far exceeds seeing pictures. I believe that is when your love for that baby really sinks in.

Sounds of a baby

As you hold a baby you cannot escape the sounds she makes. Her breathing can be soft, barely audible. A baby in the first few weeks sleeps a lot. So her breathing is a regular sound. It is a very peaceful sound. She is alive and sleeping comfortable, unaware of anyone else in the world.

The most startling noise a baby makes comes when she sneezes. She wakes up when it happens, but soon drifts off to sleep again. The baby was startled, but that is forgotten because there is something more important and it is sleep.

It is also common for a baby to have hiccups. I wish that they would stop because I know how annoying hiccups can be. But, there is a reason for her hiccups and there is nothing I can do to stop them. Fortunately for grandma, they pass quickly and the baby is back to sleep again.

In all the peaceful sleeping, there are times when crying starts suddenly. Quite often there is nothing that can be done to calm a crying baby. Unless of course the baby is hungry and is given milk to fill her tummy. Babies are definitely able to get your attention when they have a need to be fed or maybe have a diaper change.

And the silliest little noise comes from the diaper area. Has she pooped in her diaper or is it just some gas? After checking, I realize there is no need to disturb her by changing her diaper.

Baby uniqueness

One of her features that stood out is her chubby cheeks. It’s very common in babies, but still, hers are the cutest ever. Her eyes open up now and then, but at this age, sleeping is her favorite activity. As she grows we will become more familiar with her beautiful eyes.

I noticed the small blister on her lip, where her skin is coming off from nursing. It reminds me of my own children when they were this young. It makes me smile, knowing she is being well cared for and will never lack food.

We get so excited when our granddaughter smiles. Those smiles that really aren’t smiles. She didn’t smile because she was happy. She smiled just because.

I will admit that even though I knew she was perfect, I had to check her fingers and toes. Just in case. And to re-experience the excitement about how tiny they are.

Movements that are so special

Have you noticed how peaceful a baby is when they are asleep? Their chest goes up and down with each breath. Truly more noticeable than if the child were an adult. And suddenly without any notice, she is flailing her arms, before falling back to sleep as if nothing happened.

Her tongue comes out frequently. She explores her mouth with that tongue. Her tongue will be a favorite for many months. She is new to this world and she is learning so much every day.

Holding our granddaughter is very relaxing. She doesn’t move often. She is happy laying in our arms asleep. Our new grandbaby doesn’t need to get to know us yet, while we get to know her. Eventually, she will know who we are and one day she will be able to say, Grandma and Papa.

When she stretches her little body, she extends out her legs and arms. We laugh, as we see her body so long, for a few seconds. And then she is back to her small curled-up little ball.

Thoughts about our grandbaby’s future

How many years will we have in our lives to enjoy her? This is something a grandparent thinks about a lot. Will I see her going off to school, will I be able te to watch her sports and music activities? And will we still be around when she graduates from high school or gets married?

What can we do to help her future? Financially we are setting aside money for a college fund for her. It may help her attend college someday. That is far in the future, but we want her future to be bright, even if we are not there to see it.

Spiritually it is important to show her God’s love. To teach her songs and eventually verses. We will give her books to read that tell her about Jesus, Noah’s Ark, and David and Goliath. Just like we have given books to her sister and her cousins. And before long we will be reading those same books to her.

Had this beautiful child been in the womb of someone that thought this child was just a women’s health decision, we may have never met her. I realize this and am saddened for all the grandparents that will never see their grandchild because of abortion.

Babies are such a delight. A new grandchild takes my breath away. I always want to hold my grandbaby one more time before we leave. And as we drive away I am already missing her.

Are you a grandparent? How do you feel about your grandchildren? Aren’t they marvelous? Please reply below letting me know the special things about your grandbabies. And be sure to enjoy them every time you have the blessing to see them.

Baby Love
A new Grandchild

2 thoughts on “A New Grandchild – Baby Love

    • Kimberly Anne says:

      Congratulations to you! A first baby is very exciting. Your family will enjoy this new baby from a different perspective, but they will love the baby, too. Probably not as much as you will, since you have been getting to know your son or daughter in a special way already. A way that will always be special to you.

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