Unbelievable Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly

Unbelievable Dale Chihuly? Who is Dale Chihuly? Why am I asking? I never heard of him until I took an art class at the local junior college. I am not an art lover or a person that really knows much about art. But thanks to that art class. I began to love his work. It’s beautiful and elegant and amazing. And his creations are absolutely unbelievable.

My favorite artist has become Dale Chihuly. It used to be Christine Rosamond. I actually have two of her paintings in my home They are actually copies. If the paintings I have were originals I wouldn’t have them on my wall. I couldn’t afford them. Dale Chihuly’s art is not something easily copied. I’ve actually never seen his art for sale, only on display at museums. However, I’m sure it would be out of my price range. In fact, way out of my price range. And if I had a piece of his art, I would spend my time making sure no one touched it or broke it. And that would not be good, for a piece of art, to take that much of my time.

Unbelievable Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly
This is a chandelier in the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis

Besides being my favorite artist, he is an award-winning artist, with his art on display in over 200 museums throughout the world. I have actually seen his work in both Palm Springs, California and St. Louis, Missouri.

Dale Chihuly will be 80 in September. In 1976, he was in a car accident in England. His face required over 250 stitches. He ended up blind in one eye. He wears a patch on his left eye. Three years later, while bodysurfing, he dislocated his shoulder making it impossible to hold the glassblowing pipe. He then hired a group of people to make the parts of each of his sculptures. They became Dale Chihuly, Inc. They are following his exact instructions. Every one of his pieces of art has his signature on it. He plans to continue making new items until he is no longer able to sign his name.

His artwork is vibrant in color. Most of his pieces feature parts of nature. He has pieces reflecting the sea, the sun, flowers, birds, and more items found in nature. As his artwork has grown in size, they include many pieces put together to make sculptures, chandeliers, and more.

Where can you find his art?

I’m excited to eventually go to Las Vegas and see his largest glass sculpture at the Bellagio Hotel. The chandelier covers 2000 square feet It is his largest piece and also the largest glass sculpture in the world. It is a chandelier that is called the Fiori di Como. It is made of large glass-blown flowers.

Dale Chihuly's sun rays on a garden gate at the Missouri Botanical Gardens
This is a photo of the sun rays on a garden gate at the Missouri Botanical Gardens

If you are traveling anywhere you could check if there are any exhibits of his work, since his art is worldwide. And often the Exhibition is for a period of time and then moves on to another location, so be sure you go during the correct time period.

There are two museums that include only Dale Chihuly’s work. They are the Chihuly Gardens and Glass in the Seattle Center in Washington and the Chihuly Collection in the Morean Arts Center, in St. Petersburg Florida.

The individual photo to the left is from the 2006 “Glass in the Garden” exhibit at the Missouri Botanical Garden. This group of sun rays might have been one of the few items that have become permanent. There is another one at the other end of this rose garden.

Above to the right is a photo of a 928 piece Blue Chandelier that is a permanent light fixture in the Visitor Center atrium at the Missouri Botanical Gardens, in St. Louis, Missouri. Each of the pieces was put together on-site, attached to the ceiling, about three floors above. Many of his larger pieces of artwork are lit at night, making them even more beautiful.

Dale Chihuly was born in Tacoma, Washington, so if you live in or visit Tacoma, be sure to visit his Bridge of Glass. The ceiling of the walkway is made up of glass flowers and is very striking.

Do you have a favorite artist?

I never expected to have one, since art was not really my favorite subject in high school, or ever. But now that I have discovered Dale Chihuly I’m excited to find his work in my future travels.

Who is your favorite artist? Please reply below and if you have access to a bit of the art created by that artist, please include it. I’m always interested in beautiful art, now that I’ve unexpectedly found a passion for it.

Dale Chihuly
Dale Chihuly

5 thoughts on “Unbelievable Dale Chihuly

  1. Kimberly Anne says:

    I’m happy you enjoy my site. I apologize that it is hard to read on your phone. I’ll try to work on that. If you enjoy Dale Chilhuly, I will be posting more of his art in an upcoming post about Nebraska. Thank you.
    Kimberly Anne

    • Kimberly Anne says:

      Thank you for your comment. I learned about Dale Chihuly in an art class in college. I saw a few of his displays on trips I took. I am now making a point of searching him out in places I visit.
      Kimberly Anne

    • Kimberly Anne says:

      Once I studied about him and then saw his work in person I was hooked. If I hadn’t taken that art class I, too, would have never heard of him. I’m glad you enjoyed his art.

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