Mom’s Delicious Zucchini Bread Recipe

zucchini Bread on plate

It’s zucchini season in California. At least in my backyard. I have been busy making muffins, brownies, bread, and cookies using the harvest from our garden. This is one of the rare times I will share a recipe. Why? Because I don’t have many original recipes. I’m a big fan of Betty Crocker. I love to bake, but I am a picky eater.

I grew up on this recipe. It was my mom’s, and I’ve never found anything better. But, of course, that is my prejudiced opinion. But you be the judge. Unfortunately, my mom has passed away, so I cannot ask her where she got the recipe, but I believe it was passed down from her mother.

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It’s Garden Time!

It's Garden time

It’s garden time and my husband came home with his collection of plants to start our spring/summer garden. I looked at the receipt and thought we could have purchased a lot of produce at the grocery store. But, nothing compares to the happiness he gets from his garden. Plus you can’t beat the freshness of homegrown vegetables.

It is our garden in the sense that it is in our backyard. And our money is spent to buy the plants and fertilizer. But my husband is in charge. This past winter my husband did a winter garden. It was his first time. He planted onions, green onions, bok choy, brussel sprouts, and broccoli. The bok choy was great. He shared it with others. Something my husband doesn’t seem to do is plant the seeds a few weeks apart. He had so much bok choy at the same time, a lot of it was thrown out.

The brussel sprouts looked great until the long stem of sprouts stopped growing, We have seen them growing in a field and ours never came close to that. The broccoli was the wrong kind. Instead of big clumps, they were long and thin. They won’t be in our garden ever again.

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