I’m Really Not Fine

Since I was diagnosed with my vestibular schwannomas brain tumor, life had been going really well. I’m aware of what to expect in surgery, I have a surgery date and I’ve been following through with the pre-op appointments. My headaches seem to be more frequent and more painful, plus both my ears and my jaw hurts, but other than that everything seemed to be going well. I’m hoping that will all be relieved after I recover, or at least most of it. If you ask me, I will tell you “I’m fine.”

And then last week happened. On Monday, I had a phone appointment to go over my prescriptions and previous surgeries. Tuesday, I had a phone appointment with a physician’s assistant to go over my surgery and how I would feel afterward. He wanted to make sure I understood that there was no guarantee I would retain any of my hearing in my left ear. And he told me that I would likely have nausea, vertigo and maybe vomiting right after surgery. Also, I should expect pain where they removed the area of my skull to remove the tumor.

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