Riding My Bike Again at 65

Riding my Bike Again at 65

My father taught me how to ride a bike in the JC Penneys parking lot across the street from our home on a Sunday afternoon. JC Penneys was closed on Sundays back then. There was plenty of open space for me to learn in. Later in life, he taught me how to drive a car in a high school parking lot when the school was closed. I always thought that once I learned how to do these things, I would never forget how. I didn’t forget how to do both of them, but riding my bike again at 65 would be a challenge.

Eventually, following surgery to remove a brain tumor, I had to drive my car again and see if I could do it successfully. That was easy, even though I waited months to do it. Riding my bike again at 65, following two surgeries, was more difficult.

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