Quit Your Job and Join a Support Group

Fibromyalgia Story

Have you every had one of those terrible days, when you hope you will soon wake up from the nightmare? Mine happened eighteen years ago.

I was sitting on the exam table in a specialist’s office about 30 minutes from my home when he diagnosed me with something I had never hear of before. His sage advice – quit your job and join a support group. Excuse me, my son was a senior in high school and my daughter a junior at college. I had two kids going to pricey Christian schools, quitting my job was not an option. Support group, did such a thing really exist for this? And what in the world was this Fibromyalgia thing he said I had anyway?

I walked out of there with a packet of information, still not sure how to pronounce what I had. I now know it’s a chronic pain disorder with multiple possible symptoms.

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