Take control of your monthly bills and pay the amount that you need to pay, so that each month it is the same. Sound crazy? PG&E will let you pay an average of your bill if you set it up with them. They switch the amount on occasion, which can mean your bill goes up when you don’t expect it to, and then it’s changed to a smaller amount, which you know will put you behind. I found their system very frustrating, not the simplifying of my life that I hoped it would. So I started averaging my bills my own way.
Your gas bill comes in and because it’s wintertime it’s $30 more than last month. Or maybe your electric bill is down by $40 in November because you are no longer using your air conditioner. If only your bill was the same each month. It’s easy to do this. It is best, but not necessary, to start it at the time of the year when your bill is low, to help keep it even. It’s possible to start at any time, just keep in mind that you cannot start out paying less than you owe, so your first few months may have to be at the actual amount due or higher until you reach a month under your average bill amount.
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