Forty-three Years and Counting

Today my husband and I celebrate 43 years of marriage. Some people would say we were celebrating forty-three years of wedded bliss. Is that even possible? In any marriage I believe there are ups and downs. No matter how much in love you are the day you get married, as the years go on there are always a few hiccups. Maybe even major coughing spells.

Could I ever have imagined that we would have made it this long? We have been married over 2/3 of our lives. That seems unbelievable to me. I never planned on getting divorced. Even through the tough times, I didn’t want our marriage to fail. We promised in our wedding vows, in front of a church full of people, that we would be married till death do us part. But most important, we promised in front of God. When times were tough, a friend said that in her marriage, God had never told her to leave her husband. God never told me to leave either. I really don’t think He will.

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