Hearing Aided by a Bone Conduction Implant

Hearing Aid

I love to learn new things. However, I learned about Med-El’s bone conduction implant the hard way. It all started with surgery in November of 2019 for a non-cancerous brain tumor. Since then I have been waiting for some type of hearing aid to compensate for the hearing I completely lost in my left ear. I never expected this would be the answer.

Med-El’s hearing aid implant is quite new. In fact, after I had my brain tumor surgery and I saw the audiologist, I had to wait until March for the surgery because it was not yet available in my area. Of course, March came and Covid-19 stopped surgeries so mine didn’t happen until July, four months later than I had expected.

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13 Truths about me


I’m listing thirteen truths about me. You might see yourself in these truths and then again we might be totally different. In some ways, we are all the same. In other ways, we are so different. These are some honest things that may surprise you, might make you realize what a great life you’ve had, and maybe just provide a little humor for your day. And when it’s all said and done you may have found a common bond with me. Maybe you will realize you are not the only one that has done something unusual, that I have done it, too.

Take some time to enjoy these crazy quirks about me and my life. Have a great day.

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