A Walk Down Memory Lane

Each of us will have childhood memories that will be different from our children and grandchildren. I’m not talking so much about places we went, what we were taught in school, or what we had for dinner. I’m talking about things that used to be popular when we were kids, but are no longer around.

Back in the ’60s and ’70s, we had candy that for the most part, is not available today, unless you go to a specialty candy store that sells the candy we used to get when we were younger. Remember having the candy cigarettes? How about Clove gum? Wax lips? They can’t be purchased at your local grocery store anymore.

Long gone for the car lot, is my first car, a Ford Pinto. My husband’s first car was a Chevy Impala. The Impala has stood the test of time and can still be found at a Chevy dealer, however, it is much more modern.

Let’s take a walk down memory lane and visit a few of the things that we had, but for the most part they are gone, just like my Ford Pinto, never to return.

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