My 2023 Goals August Update

August Goals Update

It’s a different list this year. It’s shorter. I hope it’s more doable if I only focus on three things. I didn’t do so well last year. How did you do? I hope you are better than me. Here is my August monthly update.

  1. Walk 1000 miles. Progress: I made reasonable progress. I’ve walked 515.7 miles for the year. I only lost 63.40 miles in August, which is once again less than I walked the previous month. I think I can meet this goal as long as I keep up my walking routine and average over 100 miles a month, which obviously I am not doing. In July and August, I wasn’t feeling the best. I walked less. I ended up having a sleep study and found out in mid-August that I had severe sleep apnea. After almost three weeks of using my CPAP, I’m not as tired. I’m still not feeling 100% but getting better each week. I’ve walked more in the last half of August than I did in the first half.
  2. Read the Bible in a year. Progress: I’m up to date. My church started this January 1. I have to admit; it has been very interesting. Even though I’ve read the whole Bible several times in my life, I always seem to discover something new.
  3. Lose five pounds. Progress: Starting over.  See the explanation/excuse in item number one. In July and August, I was shocked to be gaining weight practically every three days. I am now stabilized and hoping to lose weight again soon. At the end of August, I was up 4 pounds from what I weighed at the beginning of the year. Wrong way! I’m trying once again to lose weight.

So if you have a list, share it with me in the comments below. We can do this together, and hopefully, we all succeed this year. So, really, how did you do last year? And did that change your list for this year–either longer or shorter? Four months to go in the year. Yikes.

45 Years of Wedded Bliss

45 Years of Marriage
45 Years

Looking at the picture to the right, you will see us on our wedding day. There we were in my borrowed dress and his rented tux. We look so young. It doesn’t seem possible that we have spent 45 years together. That equals over 2/3 of our lives. But we have, and so much has happened in that period of time.

I borrowed my wedding dress from an aunt who is 2.5 years older than me. There was no money in the budget to include a dress. We married with $2,000 to our names, and that went as a down payment when we purchased a house a few months after getting married. Even though we didn’t have much money, we saved money by eating hot dogs often to help pay for the closing costs on our home purchase. We survived some tough financial times, and now we are in retirement with enough money to last us the rest of our lives, as long as we live like we have all of our married life, frugally.

Continue reading “45 Years of Wedded Bliss”

50 Ways to Fill Your Day

You have retired, now what? I hope these 50 ideas help you in your quest for what to do each day. Or maybe they will stimulate your mind toward something you would have never thought about. Go out there and enjoy your day.

  1. If you feel the need to keep working, look into getting a part-time job.
  2. Travel. Isn’t traveling what you planned to do in retirement? If you are alone, check into packages of group travel. Maybe take a cruise.
  3. Spare your children a multitude of decisions by decluttering your house now. Or give them the items you plan to give them in your will, now. Donate what you can. Or if you want to sell items, have a garage sale or sell them online through Facebook groups or Craig’s list.
  4. Start a garden. If you don’t have room in your yard check into a community garden. And if there isn’t a community garden, see if you can start one in your neighborhood or city.
  5. How about a compost pile to use in your garden? This is a great way to use or reuse produce leftovers, eggshells, used coffee grounds, newspapers, and even dryer lint and hair.
  6. Start a new hobby. Is there something you wished you had time for when you were working, but never could do it? Take up that hobby or maybe quilting, crafting, woodworking, model trains, writing, etc.
  7. Learn how to play chess. If you already know how, find someone to play with, or maybe teach a child how to play.
  8. Read all the books you have accumulated on your bookshelves. If you run out, buy more at a garage sale or estate sale.
  9. Once you have read those, visit your library for more books. If you don’t have a library card, sign up for one. You will be surprised how many things you can check out of a library, besides books. Things like movies, music, and magazines. Libraries usually have computers for you to use. Some cities have lending libraries that lend tools, or there may be a tool lending library in a different building. In my state of California, they include Berkeley, Oakland, Loma Linda, Tulare, San Diego, Santa Clara, and Sacramento. But there are many more, in states throughout the country. Check with your local library or PG&E.
  10. Put aside your former excuses and join a gym (be sure to check for a senior discount) or start walking or running.
  11. If you just want to relax, start taking a daily, or as needed, nap.
  12. Get to know your neighbors. They may end up being really great friends. Maybe they can keep an eye on your house when you are out of town. If your neighborhood doesn’t have a Neighborhood Watch, you can work on establishing one.
  13. Take a class or two at your local community college. In my city they usually offer classes in jewelry making, composting, music lessons, cooking, dance lessons, CPR and so much more. Or if you prefer, try Accounting, Music, Geology or Math.
  14. Get a college degree. Maybe you never did and now you have the time. Learn new things and once you have finished you can walk down the aisle for your diploma, as your proud children and grandchildren cheer you on. You won’t be the first person to graduate in their 60’s, 70’s or 80’s.
  15. Go golfing or learn how to golf. If golfing doesn’t appeal to you, try tennis.
  16. Load up the boat and go fishing. If you are lucky you might bring home dinner.
  17. Go out to lunch with a friend. Or track down an old friend from high school and go out for coffee.
  18. Travel to visit your grandchildren or if they are local, take them out for a special day at the zoo or the lake.
  19. Make a list of the states in the United States that you have never visited and start planning trips to visit them. A great way to show your progress is a scratch-off map that you can hang on the wall. Check Amazon for a nice selection.
  20. Go on a group excursion, offered through your local college or travel agent. Our Junior College offers shopping trips, theater trips and trips to sporting events.
  21. Start going to garage sales and estate sales. If you learn the value of old items, you may be able to resell the items on eBay or Craigslist for a profit. Or maybe you will find a hidden treasure to keep. Keep in mind #3.
  22. Change your hairstyle or if you are adventurous, change your hair color.
  23. Hike somewhere locally, or far away. If you are an expert think mountains.
  24. Make a budget to plan your future, so you can afford to finish off your Bucket List. If you don’t have a Bucket List, make one.
  25. Take a train ride on Amtrak. Be sure to take advantage of the 10% senior discount.
  26. Is it time to do a little updating in your home? Consider expanding your master closet, adding a shop in the garage, a wine cellar in your home or maybe a craft room.
  27. Take a hot air balloon ride. Or if you are really brave, go skydiving.
  28. Go on a date to the local putt putt golf course.
  29. Become a regular fan at the local minor league baseball games. Part-time jobs at baseball stadiums are plentiful if you are interested. Mascot anyone?
  30. Attend any local events like Chili-Cook-Offs, Annual Festivals, Craft Fairs, Car Shows, Farmers Markets and Fund-Raising Events.
  31. Check into the social opportunities through your local senior center.
  32. Take wellness classes through your insurance, a local yoga studio or local church. Possibilities include, but are not limited to grief counseling, monitoring your health, divorce care, caregiver support, women’s health, etc.
  33. Play board or card games with your friends or family.
  34. Attend City Council meetings and get to know what is happening in your community.
  35. Run for a political office in your local community, like mayor or city councilperson. Or set your sights higher.
  36. Do you love sports? Follow your team through their season, seeing every home and away game. Or possibly visit every professional baseball stadium, even if it takes you a few years.
  37. Join a Bible study.
  38. Go shopping, window, or real, depending on your budget from item #25. Take a trip to a local shopping outlet, Ikea, or maybe the big city.
  39. Start training for the next 5K, half-marathon, or marathon in your area. Enter it and have your fans cheer you on, as you pass the finish line.
  40. Visit your state capital.
  41. Get a DNA test. This will be very interesting for you and a conversation starter among your friends.
  42. Do a random act of kindness and pay for the person behind you in the drive-through. This is especially nice if there is a mother with small children behind you.
  43. Surprise someone you love with a romantic picnic.
  44. Go to a concert, symphony, or play. Maybe an outdoor one if you have them in your area.
  45. Roller skate or ice skate, like you, did as a kid. Extreme caution suggested.
  46. Take a cooking or baking class and impress your guests at your next dinner party. Homemade pasta, anyone?
  47. Go bowling. If you like it, try joining a daytime bowling league.
  48. Beat the crowd and see a matinee. When you see a movie always ask about their senior discount.
  49. Keep your brain working with crossword puzzles and Sudoku. Buy a paperback book full of them.
  50. Learn photography and take pictures of every trip you take. Enter them in your local county fair.
  51. Winery tours are common in California. What kind of tours do you have locally? Check them out.
  52. Don’t forget to have your annual medical checkup.
  53. Take a relaxing bath.
  54. Start a blog.
  55. Buy your Senior Lifetime National Park Pass for $80 and start seeing all the National Parks. It’s a super deal.

I hope you don’t mind that I got carried away and added a few extra. Learn something new every day. There is a world of knowledge out there, waiting for you to discover. Most of all, make the most of the rest of your life.

Let me know below which item is your favorite.