Are you in a Retirement Rut? 83 Ways to Break Out

Are you in a retirement rut?  Enjoy the beach

Are you in a retirement rut? Now that you are a retired, empty-nester, are you stuck in a rut doing the same things every week? Mondays are for doctor appointments, Tuesdays are for groceries and other shopping. Wednesday is for taking care of your grandchildren. Thursday is for cleaning the house. Friday is volunteer day. And every day, you start the same way with exercising, showering, getting dressed, and putting on your makeup. All dressed up and nothing to do?

If you are someone who follows the same predictable schedule each week, maybe it’s time to remind yourself that you have looked forward to retiring for years. Instead of being bored out of your mind, maybe you should start having fun. Maybe now is the time for you to break out of that rut.

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