45 Years of Wedded Bliss

45 Years of Marriage
45 Years

Looking at the picture to the right, you will see us on our wedding day. There we were in my borrowed dress and his rented tux. We look so young. It doesn’t seem possible that we have spent 45 years together. That equals over 2/3 of our lives. But we have, and so much has happened in that period of time.

I borrowed my wedding dress from an aunt who is 2.5 years older than me. There was no money in the budget to include a dress. We married with $2,000 to our names, and that went as a down payment when we purchased a house a few months after getting married. Even though we didn’t have much money, we saved money by eating hot dogs often to help pay for the closing costs on our home purchase. We survived some tough financial times, and now we are in retirement with enough money to last us the rest of our lives, as long as we live like we have all of our married life, frugally.

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