My Experience with 23 and Me DNA Testing

My Experience with 23 and Me DNA Testing

After seeing Anne Wojcicki on Shark Tank, I decided I liked her, and one day I might even use 23 and Me DNA testing in order to find some of my ancestors. In December of 2019, I went ahead and sent in some of my salivae to be tested. Once that was completed, I sealed it up in a postage-paid envelope. I think Target had a sale on them as a potential Christmas gift, and I bought it for slightly less than the $99 price. (Maybe $69?) If you are interested, I would be watching for a sale on 23 and Me soon, or if you can’t wait until then, order the kit online at I can’t guarantee they will ever go on sale again.

If you can afford it, I think it would be a great Christmas gift for your parents and/or siblings.

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