My 2023 Goals List

My 2023 Goals List

My 2023 Goals List

It’s a different kind of list this year. It’s shorter, and it’s a bit late. I hope it’s more doable if I only focus on three things. I didn’t do so well last year. How did you do? I hope better than me. So with no further delay, here is my list of goals for 2023.

  1. Walk 1000 miles.
  2. Read the Bible in a year. My church started this January 1. I didn’t start until January 8, so I had some catching up to do, but I’m there now.
  3. Lose five pounds. Maybe more. These are the same five pounds I didn’t lose last year. We have a class reunion coming up next year so there is more incentive this time around.

So if you have a list, feel free to share it with me in the comments below. We can do this together, and hopefully, we all succeed this year. How did you do last year? And did that change your list for this year – either longer or shorter? Good luck.

My 2023 Goals List
My 2023 Goals List

23 Ideas to Help You Make Your 2023 Goals List

23 Ideas to Help You Make Your 2023 Goals List

Twenty-three ideas to help you make your 2023 goals list should give you a good idea of the goals you should set. Goals should be given some thought. Don’t write five things down and think you are done. There is a lot more to it than that. Especially if you plan to succeed.

Continue reading “23 Ideas to Help You Make Your 2023 Goals List”