
My Favorite Childhood Memory

3 girls next to car My Favorite Childhood memory
My sisters and I

I hope that you have many favorite childhood memories that bring joy to your life. I’m sincere about this because everyone deserves to have a happy, safe childhood. But, unfortunately, not everyone has a favorite childhood memory. Instead, they have horrific memories that to them were normal life.

I know a girl that grew up with her mother and two sisters. Their father was out of the picture. The sisters had very few memories of seeing him. However, they have many memories of their mom, including when the child support eligibility ran out and their mom kicked them out of the house. Their worth to their mother disappeared with the child support.

Their mom allowed them to use drugs as long as they did it in their house so that they wouldn’t get caught. Then, when their mom worked at night and didn’t have a sitter, she would take the girls along to the bar and leave them in the car, with $5 to go to the liquor store and buy candy. I hope that isn’t anything remotely like your childhood. I hope you have many favorite childhood memories like I do.

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Labor Day

Woman mechanic Labor Day

Does anyone know why we celebrate Labor Day? In the United States, we will observe Labor Day on Monday, September 6, 2021. Many people will have the day off from work, as a paid holiday. There may be parades, picnics, bar-b-ques, and even parties. Many people look at Labor Day as the end of summer. It may be the last camping trip of the summer. Some people will decorate their homes with red, white, and blue, the colors of our flag. Most stores will have Labor Day weekend sales going on for three or four days.

So back to the question, does anyone know why we celebrate Labor Day? Let’s look beyond the way we celebrate it today and take a peek at how it began.

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Are you in a Retirement Rut? 83 Ways to Break Out

Are you in a retirement rut?  Enjoy the beach

Are you in a retirement rut? Now that you are a retired, empty-nester, are you stuck in a rut doing the same things every week? Mondays are for doctor appointments, Tuesdays are for groceries and other shopping. Wednesday is for taking care of your grandchildren. Thursday is for cleaning the house. Friday is volunteer day. And every day, you start the same way with exercising, showering, getting dressed, and putting on your makeup. All dressed up and nothing to do?

If you are someone who follows the same predictable schedule each week, maybe it’s time to remind yourself that you have looked forward to retiring for years. Instead of being bored out of your mind, maybe you should start having fun. Maybe now is the time for you to break out of that rut.

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When a Deal is Not a Deal

It might look like a deal but it isn't always.

Do you find yourself buying something on sale or clearance when you don’t really need it? Are there times a company offers you a deal that is hard to resist? Maybe it came in your mail. Or possibly you saw a commercial on T.V. Maybe someone called and quoted you a great deal on car insurance or health insurance. The list goes on. And some offers seem too good to pass up. But are they? It’s best to check it out first before you spend the money and maybe end up regretting your purchase.

Something that I have fallen for is the ridiculously inexpensive magazine subscription. For only $7, I can get a year of XYZ magazine. Regularly priced at $29.99. I wouldn’t mind that magazine, and it’s only $7. Why not? Well, I’ve lived without that magazine for my whole life. But, once it arrives, I realize I don’t even take the time to look at it. Was it a deal or a waste of $7?

My mother subscribed to the local newspaper. When she paid the bill of over $600 for a year of daily service, she felt it wasn’t worth it for the little she looked at it. I told her to cancel it and get a refund. She called, and they talked her into a better deal for a shorter period of time. She took the deal because it was less expensive than what she had been paying. But it was not a deal because she didn’t want the paper. They apparently have outstanding salespeople over at the newspaper office.

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31 Ways to Spread Kindness and Compassion

Salvation Army Bell Ringer

At the end of the day, I find myself happier if I have done something to spread kindness or compassion to others. Of course, it doesn’t happen every day, but I recommend doing it often, especially if you start your day in a not-so-cheerful way.

Some days something can happen where you are that gives you a split second to act on it. Try to be aware and take action when that moment happens. Other ways to show compassion and kindness may take a little more planning or doing on your part. Spread kindness and compassion to strangers and people you know.

I believe everyone has heard about paying for the order of the person behind you in the drive-through. These ideas will give you options of other things to do. I hope you consider picking out a few items to do. I’m sure they will give your day a lift and probably a smile on your face.

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