
What Christmas Means to Me

What Christmas Means to Me

Here is a collection of twelve Bible verses and quotes about what Christmas means to me. I hope you enjoy them. Please feel free to share your favorites on social media.

Jesus's Manger the true meaning of Christmas

Matthew 2:6

Christmas quote about the true meaning of Christmas

For to Us a Child is born verse about the true meaning of Christmas

Who Can Add to Christmas? quote about the true meaning of Christmas

Luke 2:6-7 verse about the true meaning of Christmas

Peace on Earth quote about the true meaning of Christmas

Luke 1:35-37 about the true meaning of Christmas

You can never truly enjoy Christmas quote about the true meaning of Christmas

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared - verse about the true meaning of Christmas

Charles Spurgeon quote about the true meaning of Christmas

John 1:14 verse about the true meaning of Christmas

Please leave a comment below letting me know which of these is most meaningful to you. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season.

What Christmas Means to Me
What Christmas Means to Me - Manger scene

2021 Goals November Update

2021 Goals November Update

Here is my list for 2021

  1. Completed: Complete our front yard landscaping. This is an absolute must since it’s carried over from last year. We finally did it a few weeks ago. It looks great and finally feels finished.
  2. Completed: Lose 5 pounds. I lowered this, but since I ended the year up instead of down, I will lose 5 pounds from my beginning weight of 2020, not 2021. I am currently losing weight. In July, I started the old system I used, and I have made progress!! In September, I felt like I had hit a plateau. I switched to Noom. I am losing weight again. And I’m excited to say I have lost the five pounds, which in reality is 10 pounds.
  3. Progress: Ancestry: Type up the list I already have started on my mom’s mother’s side. Contact at least 2 cousins. I have contacted two cousins; however, they have not answered me back. I contacted 8 cousins on November 29. One of them was a second request, so I’m hoping to have results this time. On November 30, I heard from one of my cousins. We are talking back and forth to each other. Excited. I hope to complete this in December.
  4. Progress: Read 45 books. I have finished 44 books. I am on track to make this one, easily since I’m already started on my 45th.
  5. Completed: Ride my bike. I did it on July 23 – it was a bit wobbly and I will have to practice my turning, but I did it. I overcame my fear.
  6. Completed: Visit three states that I have not visited before. In September, we finished our travel to Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kansas.
  7. Completed: Complete 3 quilts. My quilts are at the quilter. So I am done.
  8. Progress: Walk 1000 miles. I’m not as far as I should be. I have walked 584 miles, walking 61 in November. This has been something I have attempted for 3 years and never reached it, but this year is my worst and I’m not sure why. However, I have to give up on this. But at least I’m going to go out trying hard to get as far as I can.

In November, I read three books. Thanks to Noom, I have lost the weight I wanted to for the year. I need to make it through Christmas yet. I still have another 6 to go next year, but maybe I’ll be able to lower that by the end of this year if I lose some more weight. We completed our yard, which looks great. And I’ve made more progress on my ancestry project.

So I made some progress. How are you doing with your goals? I hope you are checking them off your list.

And 2022 is just around the corner. Have you started making, or at least thinking about, your goals list for 2022? I have. Several items remain the same, but there will be some new things on mine. And I’m determined to walk my 1000 miles next year!!!

Be sure to commit below on your progress. I’d love to hear how you are doing with your goals.

Why we Celebrate Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is an annual, national holiday on the 4th Thursday in November. It is celebrated in both the United States and Canada, however, Canada celebrates it on the second Monday in October. President Abraham Lincoln made it a national holiday in 1863, in an attempt to unite the war-torn country after the Civil War.

Tradition has it that the first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1621, between the Wampanoag Indians and the Pilgrims. They did not actually call it Thanksgiving. The celebration lasted three days sometime between mid-September and early November. They held the feast to celebrate the harvest of multicolored flint corn and other blessings they had received since their arrival in America.

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Celebrating Thanksgiving after Tragedy

A feast of Thanksgiving food

Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks for your blessings and we don’t think about it as a time of tragedy. But this year there will be many people that will be in the midst of or just getting beyond a tragedy. And they will have to decide if they will be celebrating Thanksgiving after tragedy.

So many things could happen to stop or delay your Thanksgiving celebration. A death in the family can cause you to cancel it for the year or postphone it a few days or weeks. Or maybe you will be having a small meal at your home. And other family members will do the same or gather with other friends and family.

If someone in the family is hospitalized or just released from the hospital it may cause you to change the plans.

A very unexpected tragedy could be the loss of the home where you gather due to flooding, a fire, or a hurricane.

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