Loving Succulents


When did I start loving succulents? I think it was about fifteen years ago when I decided to expand my collection of succulents from one Christmas Cactus to a total of three different cactus plants. After a while, I decided my plants were boring. So I sold the two I had in a Facebook group and kept my Christmas Cactus.

I changed my mind about five years later and expanded my cactus and succulent collection. Since I wanted to move someday and take them with me, I kept them all in pots. I had fallen in love with them.

What is so special about succulents?

Some plants you purchase are annuals. They often have beautiful flowers, but they last only one year, and you will need to replace them. Annuals include marigolds, impatiens, and petunias.

Perennials are plants that will last for years. Succulents fall into the perennial category. Some of them have flowers, and some do not. Many succulents are colorful, and their color is sometimes found in their flowers but can also be found in their leaves.

Succulents come in a wide variety, over 1,000, some with flowers, some without. They are usually easy to grow and thrive in the southwest. Succulents are known for holding water in their leaves and stems, allowing them to live in an arid areas. The largest variety of succulents is found in the country of Mexico.

What is the difference between a cactus and a succulent? Cacti are a variety of succulents. So every cactus plant is a succulent, but every succulent is not a cactus.

What succulents are most common?

Jade and Snake plants

Some of the most common and most often owned by people are Christmas Cactus, Snake Plants, Yucca Plants, and Jade Plants. In the pictures to the left, you will see a Jade plant and a Snake plant. Jade plants can grow to be over three feet tall. The one in the picture is about three feet. Something I didn’t know about Jade plants until after I had the one to the left for about ten years is after they are about two to three years old, they can produce flowers. They have small bunches of white/yellow flowers. Some Jade plants wait until they are ten years old, like mine. And some will never bloom.

The Snake plant seems to be a common household plant. It can have yellow, green, or white edges along its leaves. Most of the leaves stick straight up, but some of them have curly leaves. They can grow inside or out, but they are most often seen in the house, in an area with good light.

There are no pictures of Yucca in this post, but you will find a Christmas cactus below.

Some of my favorites

Golden Barrel Cactus

I have a barrel cactus from my mom that I love. It has yellow flowers. The negative about the plant is it usually has one flower at a time, and the flower lasts a day. It was a lucky day when I was able to take a picture of three flowers at a time.

I have several peanut cacti plants. They have a bright red/orange flower. They can have a large number of flowers, most of which only last for a few days, but you have more possibility of seeing several flowers at a time.

Christmas Cactus
Lifesaver plant, loving succulents

The Lifesaver Plant is very unique. The flowers have centers that remind you of Lifesaver candy. Plus there is a star shape around the center with stripes, hence the “Zebrina” part of its true name.

And the first cactus I ever owned was a Christmas Cactus. This is not that one. I have had one last a few years, but most of mine do not last more than a few years. I believe I overwater them. Or they don’t get enough light. I have two of them now and I’m hoping they bloom this Christmas. It will be the first time I have seen them bloom. There are Thanksgiving and Easter Cactus plants, too. If you know their leaf pattern you may be able to identify which one you own. They can be different colors from a Christmas Cactus and apparently, a Thanksgiving Cactus blooms twice a year. If I can keep my Christmas Cactus alive this year, maybe I’ll try out a Thanksgiving or Easter Cactus.

Loving succulent flowers

I am obsessed with the flowers. They are such unique shapes, sizes, and colors. This is only a small collection of my flowers.

Cactus with bloom
loving succulents beautiful flowers
loving succulents blossoms

Loving your succulents by caring for them

Succulents require lots of light and heat. That is why they grow so well in California. They grow best in zone 3 to 9. But watch which plants you purchase. Some may be specific to zone 5-6 or 3-4. Check with your local nursery. They will carry succulents that do best in your area. Keep in mind that it snows in the desert, so you may be able to raise some varieties in your area if your area has snow in the winter.

Succulents are drought resistant. I do not water my plants when they dry out. I would ask at your nursery how often you should be watering your succulents. Typically I water mine once every two weeks. However, if our temperatures are in the high 90s or 100s I water them at least once a week. I also water them more often if we have several windy days in a row, even if the daytime high is 70.

It is advisable to use special succulent soil. When you repot your plant or put it in the ground, be sure the roots are not compacted. Spread them out a bit, without breaking them. You should find special succulent soil at the place you purchase your plants. It is also possible to make your own, using three ingredients. The ingredients are potting soil (any brand,) coarse sand, and Pumice or Perlite. There are recipes online and they are all different amounts. I did it once years ago, but have now settled into buying the custom soil at the local succulent store.

Many succulents will root, allowing you to create new plants. Some can be stuck in soil or on top of the soil. Others may require rooting in a bottle or glass of water. Be sure they are kept wet while the roots grow.

Where to find succulents?

Succulents have become more common. You can buy them at places like Lowes and Home Depot and most plant nurseries. In my area, we have a specialty store that only sells succulents. They also have a large variety of grown plants that have been planted years ago on the grounds. It is wonderful to go there when they are in their blooming season. They carry their own special succulent soil that they have mixed to their specifications.

Another place to buy plants is from people that grow them with the intent to sell them. Check your area Facebook groups. Ask the question on your local Facebook group if you don’t see anything. There may be succulent groups where you can meet up once a month or so to trade your cuttings. Or buy small plants in a styrofoam cup. An elderly couple in my area grows multiple plants from their existing plants and sells them for extra income. They are reasonably priced, but of course, they have limited variety. They write the name on the cup and I end up dumping the cup when I replant, so that explains why I don’t know the names of so many of my plants.

Ikea and Costco also sell live succulents. They usually are only sold around May or June. Check your local store. Trader Joe’s seems to carry a small selection all year round.

What to do with your succulents?

Plant your succulents in unique containers. loving succulents

I would start out with a few succulents, preferably ones with flowers or colorful leaves. Many succulents have variegated or colorful leaves. Sometimes their leaf color changes depending on how much sun they get.

Plant your succulents in fun pots if you desire. It is best to have a pot with a hole in the bottom for drainage. Succulents don’t do well with their roots living in soggy soil.

I bought this family of quail at a garage sale, especially for some of my succulents.

Shrek Ears loving succulents

As you can see these succulents are colorful without flowers. I have also planted them in silver cans, a gravy dish, and an oversized red coffee cup with white dots. Remember that there should be a hole in the bottom. You may have to drill it yourself.

I also like to combine different plants in one container. In the photo to the right, I have a smaller plant under the Shrek Ears. And sometimes I plant them in my planters, instead of pots.

combined plants

Are you ready to start loving succulents?

Remember to start out small. The first time I started loving succulents seems like it was a false alarm. But eventually, I fell in love. Now I have succulents in my front yard, back yard, and in pots on my patio. Don’t worry I do have other plants mixed in. Nasturtiums look really nice with aloe plants I have decided. I have some succulents planted in a block wall planter, between my rose bushes. Use your imagination.

If you follow me on Pinterest, I have opened up my succulent board to public view. I have several posts in there that you might find helpful. I have an abundance of succulents in my yard. Every picture on this post is from my yard, so you can see that I’m committed to my succulents.

I recommend you fall in love with succulents. Maybe you already have. Comment below about what appeals to you about succulents. Do you have a favorite?


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