2022 Goals August Update

2022 Goals August Update

Here is my 2022 Goals August update:

Goal: Lose five more pounds.

I am maintaining my weight but currently not losing any. I need to get more serious about losing weight. No progress in June, July, or August

Goal: Ancestry: Contact at least two cousins. I have reached out to 2 cousins but have not heard from them. I tried someone else. Most of these cousins are a lot younger than me, and I think that may be why they are not responding since I’m old. A great excuse, isn’t it? No progress in June, July or August.

Complete: Read 30 books. I have read 32 books. I read 3 books in August. This goal is complete, but I’m not stopping reading.

Goal: Get through at least my second and third drafts of the book I wrote in 2021 and finish the first draft of my second book. I have joined a group that will help me with this. And I have a writing coach now, so that should help. She and I talked on the 31st of January, and I’m excited I have been going through the third draft and making changes. On June 11, I started a class that will be helpful in writing my first draft of the second book. I have created an outline for that one.

The goal for book number one is 55,000 words, and then we will discuss the next step. I plan to be working on my 3rd draft until I hit that word count. Currently, I have 1,103 words to go. Great news – I have found two people to be Beta readers. I joined a group of fellow writers who are working on their memoirs (like my second book,) so I have been making progress on that. I currently have 4,590 words done on my first draft.

Goal: Visit three states that I have not visited before. We are going to New Mexico, Wyoming, and North Dakota this year. We traveled to New Mexico trip in April. I need to plan the other trip to Wyoming and North Dakota. However, I am thinking about changing that trip to North and South Carolina. No progress in June, July, or August.

Progressing well: Complete 2 quilts. I plan to finish a quilt for my son-in-law and one for my daughter-in-law. I pushed it and worked 3 days in a row, 8 or more hours a day, on the quilts. It was exhausting. On August 30th, I brought them to the quilter to be quilted. They should be done in early November. Then I will pick them up and put the binding on. At this point, this should be easy to complete this goal.

Goal: Walk 1000 miles. I have attempted this for 4 years and never reached it. I need to be really serious about this year. The fifth attempt must work. So far this year, I have walked only 405.5 miles. If I did this evenly each month, I’m about 261 miles behind, which is an increase, once again, not the decrease I had hoped for. I’m getting further behind each month, which isn’t good. I did walk a lot more in August, but these 100+ degree days aren’t helping my situation.

August was good for my reading, writing, and especially my quilt goals. I finished the book goal, and I am very close to finishing the quilts. Now that the quilts are done I should be working harder on the writing.

How are you doing on your goals? Let me know below. Keep working toward your goals. We can do this.

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