2021 Goals September Update

2021 Goals September Update

Here is my list for 2021

  1. No progress: Complete our front yard landscaping. This is an absolute must since it’s carried over from last year. Hoping for October.
  2. Progress: Lose 5 pounds. I lowered this, but since I ended the year up instead of down, I will lose 5 pounds from my beginning weight of 2020, not 2021. I am currently losing weight. In July, I started the old system I used, and I have made progress!! In September, I felt like I had hit a plateau. So I have started using Noom. I am losing weight again.
  3. Progress: Ancestry: Type up the list I already have started on my mom’s mother’s side. Contact at least 2 cousins. I have contacted two cousins; however, they have not answered me back.
  4. Progress: Read 45 books. I have finished 36 books. I am on track to make this one.
  5. Completed: Ride my bike. I did it on July 23 – it was a bit wobbly and I will have to practice my turning, but I did it. I overcame my fear.
  6. Completed: Visit three states that I have not visited before. This month we finished our travel to Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kansas.
  7. Progress: Complete 3 quilts. I’m doing much better than last year. I have three baby quilts cut out already. My only progress this month was to buy fabric for the backing of the quilt, that I have yet to sew. I have sewn one – it is now about 3/4 done. Instead of all baby, I might get working on a quilt for my son-in-law and one for my daughter-in-law. Maybe next year.
  8. Progress: Walk 1000 miles. I’m not as far as I should be. I have walked 523 miles. This has been something I have attempted this for 3 years and never reached it. This year it is in writing, so I hope I will complete it at last. However, I will have to speed things up to come close.

In September, I read 4 books. One of which was the Bible, but I had started that last year. Some books take longer than others. I am making progress on my weight. I am down a few pounds, and I’ll continue doing that for the rest of the year, I hope, but Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming and I tend to eat more then. Doesn’t everybody? I’m sure Noom will give me guidance. My trip to three states is complete. We are actually making plans already to travel to New Mexico next year with a group. And I have narrowed it down to 4 states, 2 of which I’d like to add to New Mexico to get my three for next year.

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