13 Truths about me


I’m listing thirteen truths about me. You might see yourself in these truths and then again we might be totally different. In some ways, we are all the same. In other ways, we are so different. These are some honest things that may surprise you, might make you realize what a great life you’ve had, and maybe just provide a little humor for your day. And when it’s all said and done you may have found a common bond with me. Maybe you will realize you are not the only one that has done something unusual, that I have done it, too.

Take some time to enjoy these crazy quirks about me and my life. Have a great day.

1. Driving

My dad taught me how to drive. For some unknown reason, he taught me differently than anyone else I know. I didn’t realize at first that I was different. But I have tried several times to change it and I just can’t. I use my right foot on the gas pedal and my left foot on the brake. Am I the only one in the world that does this?

2. Fashionable

Within the last year, I went running errands at four different places. When I arrived home I realized that I had on two different flip flops. One was mine and the other was my husband’s. They really don’t look anything alike. Oh, my.

3. Wedding dress

When I got married, my budget wasn’t big enough to include a wedding dress. I have an aunt that is two and one-half years older than me. I ended up wearing her dress, no alterations. The dress was very nice, but I missed out on shopping for it and trying on all kinds of dresses. I sort of made it up by shopping for wedding dresses with my daughter. Of course, she ended up finding her perfect dress when she went shopping with her mother-in-law to be. I think all in all the picking out a wedding dress was a fail for me.

4. Impatience

I am lacking in patience and always have been. Unfortunately, I didn’t give my husband-to-be enough credit. I made the assumption that he was never going to pay off the wedding ring and ask me to marry him. And I actually said so to him. He casually took me for a ride to his parent’s home and went back to his room to get the ring and proposed to me. I guess I was lucky he didn’t return it.

5. Brain tumors

My mom had a brain tumor surgery in her 50’s. My sisters and I waited at the hospital until she was out of surgery. We went in to see her in intensive care and we thought she looked like she was going to die. We three girls, all hugged and cried in the hallway. She made it and about 25 years later I had a different kind of brain tumor. I thought that odds of my getting one was ten million to one. I guess I was wrong.

6. Oops

When I was sixteen I was a bit rebellious. I think I was grounded and my parents and sisters went away. I stayed home in my room. Until they left. Then I went outside and a few blocks away to hang out with a friend. Unfortunately, I miss calculated when they would return and when I came around the corner, their car was on the driveway. If I hadn’t been grounded before, I definitely was then.

7. Piano lessons

I had piano lessons for six months. My younger sisters were taking them, so I went along with it. I was way too old for those little kid songs that you start out playing. I only kept taking them for six months because my parents said if I started them I needed to at least go that long. There have been many times since, that I wished I could actually play.

8. Worst best friend

My best friend and I talked about everything. After I had my two children I told her it didn’t seem right that it was so easy for me to have children, while she had had a hysterectomy and no children. We lived hundreds of miles from each other. She eventually asked me to be a surrogate. I felt so bad when, after talking to my pastor and husband, I ended up saying no. She understood, but I felt like I failed her.

9. Lipstick

I am not a lipstick person. I have worn it for my wedding, my children’s weddings and a few other times. But if you ever see me the odds are good I will not be wearing it.

10. Christianity

I was raised as a Christian. I never lived as a non-Christian. I’m grateful that that was how I was raised. I can’t even imagine a life without God being the reason I am here today. He protects me and cares for me, so much more than any human friend or family member could.

11. Births

I was blessed by being able to be at the birth of my youngest nephew. I was a backup labor coach. Even though my sister’s husband arrived on time, I was allowed to stay. And I was able to be at the birth of my daughter’s daughter, a few years ago. The best grandma gift ever.

12. Senses

I am deaf in one ear. I never thought that was a possibility in my life. Once, years ago, I told my mom that if I ever lost one of my senses, I could best handle losing my sight. Now that I am partially deaf, I think that God made a better decision than I would have. My deafness is a result of my brain tumor.

13. Best Oven Ever

I think my two sisters and I have to be the only girls in the world that instead of having the Cadillac of ovens, had the Thunderbird version. It was a white front fender of a Thunderbird vehicle. My dad repaired and customized cars. This spare part was behind the garage and we got to use it for baking our mud cookies. They were baked with authentic solar power.

Is there something that you feel only happened to you? Please make a comment below of the craziest thing you have ever done, said, or experienced. And please let me know if you, too, had a Thunderbird oven.

4 thoughts on “13 Truths about me

  1. April Key C. Rode says:

    Thanks for sharing all about you, and I am sorry for your brain tumor! I hope you will be well soon and it can be cured. I have a problem with my hearing sometimes too. How nice that your dad is doing it to you and your sister. It must be fun! Take care!

    • Kimberly Anne says:

      Thanks for reading. My brain tumor could almost be a positive in my life It has brought me closer to God. This week I will get a piece that is on the outside of my skull that will attach to the piece they put inside my head almost a month ago. This should help with the hearing I hope. If you are having hearing problems you should get your hearing tested. I never realized the importance of hearing tests until I had my bad results and it led to my doctor finding my brain tumor.

  2. Star says:

    I love posts like this. You have motivated me to finally make my own list. I love how the posts has good and bad things that you went through.
    I am so sorry your daughter found her ‘perfect’ wedding dress when shopping with her mother in law. I truly feel sad about that. As a mother myself, I can see how that would make me you feel as if you failed. But just know you sound like a winner. And to your family, I’m sure they would agree, including your daughter.
    The flip flop story was too funny,lol. I have had instances where I left the house with my shirt or pants inside out. I think that comes with motherhood.
    Your blog is a breath of fresh air, from the normal blog lingo. I subscribed. And by the way this is my first and only in-depth comment EVER on a blog site. Look forward to more posts.
    Stay safe !

    • Kimberly Anne says:

      Star, thank you for the lovely, lengthy comment. We are all the same, but still so different. I don’t think I have ever left the house with any article of clothing inside out but there is still time for me to do it. I had fun writing the post. I usually post a quote or Bible verse on Monday and a blog post on Wednesday. Welcome to my blog.
      Kimberly Anne

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