Retired? Now What? 125 Ways to Fill Your Day

Retired? Now What? 125 Ways to Fill your Day

Retired? Now what? 125 Ways to fill your day has been updated from 100 ways to 125 ways. I hope these 125 ideas help you in your quest for what to do each day. Or maybe they will stimulate your mind toward something you would have never thought about. So go out there and enjoy your day!

  1. If you need to/want to keep working, look into getting a part-time job. Possibly Uber or Lyft? Or Home Depot, Ace, or Lowes.
  2. Travel. Isn’t traveling what you planned to do in retirement? If you are alone, check into packages of group travel. Maybe take a cruise.
  3. Spare your children a multitude of decisions by decluttering your house now. Or give them the items you plan to give them in your will now. Donate what you can. Or, if you want to sell things, have a garage sale or sell them online through Facebook groups, Craig’s list, etc.
  4. Start a garden. Check into a community garden if you don’t have room in your yard. And if there isn’t a community garden, see if you can start one in your neighborhood or city.
  5. If you end up loving gardening, consider building a greenhouse to raise flowers and vegetables from seeds.
  6. How about a compost pile to use in your garden? It is a great way to use or reuse leftover produce, eggshells, used coffee grounds, newspapers, and even dryer lint and hair.
  7. Start a new hobby. Is there something you wished you had time for when you were working but never could do it? Take up that hobby or maybe quilting, crafting, woodworking, model trains, writing, etc.
  8. Learn how to play chess. If you already know how to play, find someone to play with or teach a child how to play.
  9. Read all the books you have accumulated on your bookshelves. If you run out, buy more at a garage sale or estate sale. I can purchase books for 25 cents on Thursdays at my local Hospice Thrift Shop. Check to see if your local Thrift Shops do something similar.
  10. Once you have read those, visit your library for more books. If you don’t have a library card, sign up for one. You will be surprised how many things you can check out of a library besides books—things like movies, music, and magazines. Libraries usually have computers for you to use. Some cities have lending libraries that lend tools. In California, they include Berkeley, Oakland, Loma Linda, Tulare, San Diego, Santa Clara, and Sacramento. But there are many more in states throughout the country. Check with your local library or PG&E.
  11. Put aside your former excuses and join a gym (be sure to check for a senior discount) or start walking or running. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting something new.
  12. If you want to relax, start taking a daily, or as needed, nap.
  13. Get to know your neighbors. They may end up being great friends. Maybe they can keep an eye on your house when you are out of town. If your neighborhood doesn’t have a Neighborhood Watch, you can work on establishing one.
  14. Take a class or two at your local community college. In my city, they usually offer courses in jewelry making, composting, music lessons, cooking, dance lessons, CPR, and so much more. Or, if you prefer, try Accounting, Music, Geology, or Math.
  15. If you have some valuable jewelry that needs repair, find a jeweler and bring the items in for repair. My mother had a ring that I loved that needed a lot of repairs. I took it in myself so that I can wear it in her memory. Had she gotten it repaired, she would have had many more years of wearing it.
  16. Get a college degree. Maybe you never did, and now you have the time. Learn new things, and once you have finished, you can walk down the aisle for your diploma as your proud children and grandchildren cheer you on. You won’t be the first person to graduate in their 60s, 70s, or 80s.
  17. Go golfing or learn how to play golf. If golfing doesn’t appeal to you, try tennis.
  18. Load up the boat and go fishing. If you are lucky, you might bring home dinner.
  19. Go out for lunch with a friend. Or track down an old friend from high school and go out for coffee.
  20. Travel to visit your grandchildren or, if they are local, take them out for a special day at the zoo or the lake.
  21. Watch your grandchildren overnight so their parents can have a date night or a weekend away by themselves.
  22. Create a list of the states in the United States that you have never visited and begin planning trips to see them. A great way to show your progress is a scratch-off map you can hang on the wall. Check Amazon for an excellent selection.
  23. Go on a group excursion offered through your local college or travel agent. Our Junior College offers shopping trips, theater trips, and trips to sporting events.
  24. Start going to garage sales and estate sales. If you learn the value of old items, you may be able to resell the items on eBay or Craigslist for a profit. Or maybe you will find a hidden treasure to keep. Keep in mind #3.
  25. Change your hairstyle, or if you are adventurous, change your hair color.
  26. Hike somewhere local or far away. If you are an expert, think mountains.
  27. Make a budget to plan your future, so you can afford to finish your Bucket List. If you don’t have a Bucket List, make one. See #61.
  28. Take a train ride on Amtrak. Be sure to take advantage of the 10% senior discount.
  29. Is it time to do a little updating in your home? Consider expanding your master closet, adding a shop in the garage, a wine cellar in your home, or maybe a craft room.
  30. Take a hot-air balloon ride. Or, if you are fearless, go skydiving.
  31. Go on a date to the local putt putt golf course.
  32. Become a regular fan at your local minor league baseball games. Part-time jobs at baseball stadiums are plentiful if you are interested. Mascot anyone?
  33. Attend any local events like Chili-Cook-Offs, Annual Festivals, Craft Fairs, Car Shows, Farmer’s Market, and Fund-Raising Events.
  34. Check into the social opportunities through your local senior center.
  35. Take wellness classes through your insurance, a local yoga studio, or a local church. Possibilities include but are not limited to grief counseling, monitoring your health, divorce care, caregiver support, women’s health, etc.
  36. You can play board or card games with your friends or family. Or put together a puzzle.
  37. Attend City Council meetings and get to know what is happening in your community.
  38. Run for a political office in your local community, like the mayor or city councilperson. Or set your sights higher.
  39. Do you love sports? Follow your team through their season, seeing every home and away game. Or possibly visit every professional baseball stadium, even if it may take you a few years.
  40. Join a Bible study.
  41. If you can’t find a Bible study to join, start one.
  42. Go shopping, window, or actual, depending on your budget from item #27. Take a trip to a local shopping outlet, Ikea, or maybe the big city.
  43. Start training for the next 5K, half-marathon, or marathon in your area. Enter it and have your fans cheer you on as you pass the finish line.
  44. Visit your state capital.
  45. Get a DNA test. This can be very interesting for you and a conversation starter among your friends. You will be able to contact your relatives and get a better understanding of your family tree.
  46. Do a random act of kindness and pay for the person behind you in the drive-through. It is especially nice if there is a mother with small children behind you.
  47. Surprise someone you love with a romantic picnic.
  48. Go to a concert, symphony, or play. Maybe an outdoor one if you have one in your area.
  49. Roller skate or ice skate like you did as a kid. Extreme caution is suggested.
  50. Take a cooking or baking class and impress your guests at your next dinner party. Homemade pasta, anyone?
  51. Go bowling. If you like it, try joining a daytime bowling league.
  52. Beat the crowd and see a matinee. When you see a movie, always ask about their senior discount.
  53. Keep your brain working with crossword puzzles and Sudoku. Buy a paperback book full of them.
  54. Learn photography and take pictures of every trip you take. Enter them at your local county fair.
  55. Winery tours are common in California. What tours do you have locally? Cheese? Beer? Take a day to visit them.
  56. Don’t forget to have your annual medical checkup.
  57. Take a relaxing bath. Make it a relaxing spa day at home.
  58. Start a blog.
  59. Buy your Senior Lifetime National Park Pass for $80 and start seeing all the National Parks. It’s a super deal.
  60. If you are brave enough, try a zipline. If you like that, keep searching for ziplines when you travel. They are exciting and can be amid breathtaking scenery.
  61. Go to your State Fair. If it’s far away, make a weekend of it.
  62. Make a bucket list of the things you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. This can include places to visit, mountains to climb, and goals to reach. Maybe include some items on this list that may take a bit of time, like getting your college degree or master’s degree.
  63. Support those in need in your community. Find a local charity to support. Volunteer your time and donate your money to the charity.
  64. If you don’t know where to support your community, try Meals on Wheels. You can sign up for one day a week or more if desired.
  65. Adopt a pet from the local animal shelter. Be sure to take time to think about this before you run over to get a pet. Think about potty training if you are buying a puppy. Consider how often you are gone on trips. Can you take your pet with you? Do you have a place to bring your pet or someone that can watch it while you are gone? Don’t forget the love and support you will receive from that pet.
  66. If you don’t want a pet full-time, consider fostering a dog or cat. Contact your local animal shelter to get more information.
  67. Dog walker? Advertise your service and become friends with the animals in your neighborhood while getting exercise. If you need to find dogs to walk, try or
  68. Pick fruit in season at your local farms that allow this. In my area, you can pick several kinds of berries. Buy what you can’t pick at a fruit stand. Fresh is the best.
  69. Learn how to can, dehydrate, and freeze produce. Maybe some of your garden’s produce. Or locally picked.
  70. Learn boxing or karate or something similar. This skill may come in handy if you are surprised by someone trying to steal your purse or rob your wallet, cell phone, or camera.
  71. Attend the opening of a new artist at an art gallery.
  72. Did you always want to ride a horse? Learn how to ride one. Find a local stable and take lessons.
  73. How about playing the piano or the guitar or even the violin? Sign up for lessons now.
  74. If you have exceptional musical skills, join a local orchestra or band.
  75. Go on a cruise to Alaska or the Caribbean. Or any other place of your choosing.
  76. Start star gazing. Visit the closest observatory to your home. See if you can locate the Big Dipper. Go to your library to check out some astronomy books. Then, purchase the ones that interest you the most. If you find it as fascinating as you hoped, buy your own telescope. Share your findings with friends and family, especially grandchildren.
  77. Learn how to play cornhole. Make your own cornhole boards from scratch or buy a kit. Maybe make your own cornhole bags? Get together with friends and family and have a cornhole tournament.
  78. Try yoga. Or goat yoga.
  79. If your neighborhood allows it, buy a few chickens and start collecting those fresh eggs each day.
  80. Get your cowboy on and attend a rodeo.
  81. Relax at a spa. Get a massage. Maybe a manicure and/or pedicure. Get your brows done or maybe some waxing.
  82. Have you had an adventurous life or possibly a desire to write a novel? It could be time for you to write a book. Learn everything you can about the ins and outs of writing and publishing a book, and then have at it. If that works out successfully, write another.
  83. Become a tutor or yard duty person for a local elementary school.
  84. If you are a retired teacher, sign up to be a substitute teacher. This allows you to make a bit of money and provide a much-needed service to a local school district.
  85. Start making your own wine or beer. First, learn all about the process and then take steps to create what appeals to you.
  86. Take all your recipe cards and type them into a recipe organizer like Recipe Manager, ChefTap, or Wisk. It makes it easy to find the recipe you want. They also can help you make a grocery list.
  87. Simplify your life by taking all of your old VHS tapes and having them copied to CDs. Or you can purchase the machine needed to do it and copy them from the privacy of your own home.
  88. Do you have too many photos on your phone? Use a service like Shutterfly or Journi Print to print some of your favorites and make room for more on your phone. Another option is to make a photo book/picture book. It’s more convenient to show off your pictures in a book than to search for them on your phone. Your grandchildren will love looking through the books if you have them sitting out on a coffee table. Once they are in a book, you can delete them from your phone. I ordered one for a special trip we recently took. A book of my Mother’s life was a gift for her 80th birthday, and I have a copy. I also have one from my son’s wedding and one for each of their daughters’ first pictures.
  89. After you have accomplished #87, go through your emails and computer to get rid of your old messages and items you have saved on your computer. Delete the phone numbers of people you never call. Empty the trash on your emails.
  90. Plant fruit trees in your yard. It will take a few years to get a big harvest, but it is worth it when it comes. I would suggest orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, cherry, apple, plum, and avocado. Maybe add a few berry bushes and grapevines. Be sure to check if these will grow in your area and what extra care they may require.
  91. Learn how to make jam/jelly with the fruit you grow.
  92. Donate blood at your local blood bank. This can be done several times a year, so mark it on your calendar to come back, or if they provide a reminder call, ask for you.
  93. Your local Blood Bank most likely will also take platelets. This is called plateletpheresis. Call ahead to make sure of the requirements like weight, age, and not taking aspirin a few days prior. Platelets are a big help to cancer patients. This will take about 3 hours and can be done every seven days, up to 24 times a year. The platelets are removed from the liquid blood, and the liquid is returned to your body. Usually, you are offered movies to watch or bring a book to read or music to listen to during your three hours. They can also remove plasma and platelets are the same time. The minimum age requirement is 16 or 17, so you can turn this into an opportunity to take your older grandchild along and spend the time talking about your life and theirs.
  94. Write out bits and pieces of your childhood and adult life to share with your family. Or record them.
  95. Take the time to become an organ donor. This will be shown on your driver’s license.
  96. Take a little more time to become a bone marrow donor. Go to for more information. Most likely, you can sign up for the donor registry at your local blood bank. If one day you match someone, a minor procedure will be performed under local anesthesia. This is a lifesaving gift. They prefer that you be 45 or younger, but with a family member in need, you may be able to donate up to age 65. Check with the blood bank. If you are too old, encourage your younger friends and family to sign up to give this gift of life to someone in need.
  97. Are you a user of Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.? If not, have someone help you learn how to use them. I would definitely recommend Pinterest. Pinterest is full of ideas that you can save to your account. I use Pinterest to find out about places I travel to so that I can see what others recommend. Pinterest is also a great place to find recipes.
  98. Can you sew? If so, check with your local hospitals to see if they will let you sew bright, colorful gowns for the children in the hospital. I recently saw a story about someone that took this on as a donation project to help cheer up the children in the hospital. You may need to borrow one of their gowns to use for a pattern.
  99. If you knit or crochet, make hats for preemies, families that are in need, and homeless people. You can also make scarves and gloves. There may be a group in your area that you can join to meet occasionally to work together and share patterns.
  100. Call a friend you haven’t seen in a while and have a relaxed conversation. Don’t be in a hurry to get off the phone.
  101. Do you keep the same passwords on everything on your computer? It might be a good time to change all your passwords to something more difficult to make it harder for someone to hack your accounts.
  102. Buy some books of Sudoku, word find, crossword puzzles, and other games you can take along with you on an airplane or spend some time at home solving them.
  103. If you are into games on your phone, see how far you can go with them. Maybe get a friend to challenge you. Try games like Candy Crush and Wordle.
  104. Buy or rent a boat and teach your grandkids how to water ski.
  105. Learn how to sail a boat.
  106. If you really like sailing, rent or buy a sailboat and sail on weekends, or maybe if you buy a big enough one you can live on it permanently.
  107. Build a tiny home. Or maybe order one, pre-built. The first step might be finding some land to put it on.
  108. Buy a pizza oven, and learn how to cook pizza. Your grandchildren will love it.
  109. Sell Avon or Doterra, or some other product that you love. You will end up with a discount on something you already buy, and maybe even turn it into a business for yourself.
  110. Start a side business making and selling cookies, bars, or cupcakes. This may require access to a commercial oven. Check the small business rules in your area.
  111. Volunteer to coach for a little league.
  112. If you are really athletic, volunteer as a coach or assistant coach at a local high school or college. Your position at a high school and college will likely be paid. Even though it may be little, it can be some fun money, along with some great memories of your “kids” success.
  113. Write letters and send cards to your grandchildren, even if they live close by. Kids love getting mail. If your grandchildren write to you, be sure to write them back.
  114. Do you have any minor projects around the house that have been on your to-do list for years? Now is the best time to do them. Find your list or make a new one and do one thing each day or week, depending on your schedule. Things like washing the windows, getting the carpets cleaned, painting the baseboards, painting the spare bedroom with a horrific color, something to brighten the room. (White will brighten things up.)
  115. Are you feeling lost when it comes to using a computer? Take a class at your local junior college or a place like Computer Tutor. Or have a grandchild help you. Kids are smarter than ever when it comes to technology.
  116. Are you suffering from a long-term illness? Join Caring Bridge at They have been in business for over 25 years. They offer a place to talk about your illness so that your followers (friends and family) and see what is happening without having to bother you regularly. Your friends and family can send you messages and well wishes in one spot so that you aren’t spending your precious time on social media while you are focusing on your health. You or your family invite people to visit your CaringBridge page. It’s a great place to stay in contact without having to exhaust yourself by answering questions on assorted social media platforms. If you don’t have an illness, donate money to to keep the platform funded.
  117. Learn how to swim. There are adults who have never learned how to swim. One day that skill could come in handy, whether to save your life or the life of others. If you know how to swim but barely, maybe you should learn different strokes. The YMCA is a great place for group lessons. If you would rather learn one-on-one, try looking in local Facebook groups for private instructors.
  118. Plan a second honeymoon with your spouse. Maybe to a different state or country or to the place you went on your original honeymoon. Be sure to find a nice romantic destination. Splurge a little if you can.
  119. Single? Try a dating app if you never have before. You never know until you try.
  120. Try new recipes. Since we have a large garden, I needed to find a lot of new recipes that involved zucchini. Most of the recipes I have found on Pinterest have been successful for me, a picky eater.
  121. Make a cookbook of family recipes that have been passed down in your family. Type them up on regular paper and put them in a binder. To make them last longer, use clear plastic sheet protectors so they can be wiped clean if needed. You might include a photo of the person the recipe came from.
  122. Tour guide? Check with your local museum and see if they need volunteer guides. You will learn a lot about a local destination and help others learn, too.
  123. Say “hello” to someone at church that you haven’t really gotten to know. Or maybe a neighbor that walks by your house every day. Start a conversation and see what their interests are. Maybe they can become a walking buddy. Or someone to go out to coffee with occasionally. And if you really feel comfortable with them, possibly a traveling buddy. You won’t know until you make that first step of saying “hello.”
  124. Join your church choir. Either as a singer or as a pianist.
  125. Learn, learn, learn. Join Masterclass. For $15 a month, paid annually, you can learn from experts on science, sports, makeup, singing, cooking, home decorating, writing (from people like James Patterson, my favorite author,) wellness, business, and more. With over 150 different classes, there is bound to be something for everyone. Each class has multiple lessons (some as many as 20.). Go at your own pace. Personally, I think this would make a great retirement gift.
  126. Join a bicycling group. Purchase the correct bike and accessories and ride across your state, or the country, or maybe someplace a little closer.
  127. Foster grandparent. If you don’t have any grandchildren, become a grandparent to a child who needs one. Various originations can get you started like Head Start, after-school programs, Americorps, and your local state or county programs. In most cases, you must be willing to give 15 to 20 hours a week. You must be 55 years or older and in good health.
  128. Visit the country your ancestors came from. #45 above can help if you don’t know where your ancestors came from.

Learn something new every day. There is a world of knowledge out there waiting for you to discover. Most of all, make the most of the rest of your life. You don’t have any guarantee of tomorrow, so enjoy today.

I did go over a bit, but the more, the merrier, don’t you think? Let me know which idea is your favorite in the comments below. I know you have a favorite! Don’t be shy.

Retired? Now What? 125 Ways to fill your day
Retired?  Now What?  125 Ways to Fill your Day.

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